Weight-Loss Daily Fat grams



New member
I know this might have been asked before, but I am really wondering what you consider a healthy amount of fat grams for a good daily intake? I am trying to keep it under 20 to 30 (hopefully under twenty), seeing as how I want to lose about 50 or more lbs.. Thanks! and hoping you're doing well on your healthy journey!
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Depends on who you ask. Most guidelines would put you at 15-30% of your calories for total fat and <10% for saturated fat.

So if you are aiming for around 20 grams of fat, that means you are eating between 600 and 1200 calories a day if you are in the "healthy" range. I sure hope you aren't cutting your calories that drastically.

What is your caloric intake? What percentage is from fat?

And check out this stickie:

Thanks for your reply

I have cut calories alot, because I cut out meats and carbs. I do try to eat healthy though. When I was younger ( I am 28 now, when I was in my late teens) I used to just eat veggies and fruit for a while to make sure I was staying in shape. I gained alot of weight during pregnancy with my now three year old boy. I lost about 27 or so lbs, and I still have about 50 or more to go, so I am trying to eat a vegetarian type diet, and hopefully incorporate wheats and lean meats later on down the line when I am closer to 170 or so (I am 204 now). I just can't take the weight anymore, I put on about 100 lbs with being pregnant. So to answer, I think my calories are around 800 or so a day. I am open to any suggestions, and I appreciate the help. Thanks!
I know this might have been asked before, but I am really wondering what you consider a healthy amount of fat grams for a good daily intake? I am trying to keep it under 20 to 30 (hopefully under twenty), seeing as how I want to lose about 50 or more lbs.. Thanks! and hoping you're doing well on your healthy journey!

Fat doesnt make one fat, remember this. Too many calories IN versus what goes OUT, does (speaking in terms of a healthy individual, with no organ complications)

The 3 Nutrients (Carbs, Good Fats, and Protein) are an essential factor in the diet; however, the Law of Energy Balance within the DIET, is the ultimate KING while the Nutrients can play in some key decisions made within the body.

Nutrient Ratios: Example ONLY

Calories per gram of the three major nutrients:

Protein: 4 calories per gram

Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram

Fat: 9 calories per gram

Example Configuration:

Carbs (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake) x (0.50 or other percentage given) = 1425 calories (divided by 4) = 356 grams

Protein (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake ) x (0.30 or other percentage given) = 855 calories (divided by 4) = 214 grams

Fat (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake) x (0.20 or other percentage given) = 570 calories (divided by 9) = 63 grams

Dependent on your personal approximated MT-Line, and deficit adjustment, this figure would be used to determine your ratio percents.

Bring in the truth:

1. Change the changeable!

Yes recognize the things you have control over, and recognize two things that you do have control over:

A. What you think, and B. What you will do.

2. Raise your standards!

Do not accept the unacceptable! Stay out of the unnecessary Pity-party wagons.........ROCK YOUR SOCKS!

Withdraw and deposit in your ENERGY BANK!.......ROCK ON!

YOU ROCK.......YES......YOU ROCK........I know it and so do you!

Best wishes to you!

I have cut calories alot, because I cut out meats and carbs

What do you eat then?
Meat = Protein
And you cut out carbs too?
You realise that only leaves you with fat?

Why exactly did you 'cut them out'. Did you happen to know that lean animal protein is highly thermic, and you burn about 30% of the total calories just by eating it? Carbs and fats are less thermic, between 0-15% at most.

Protein repairs muscles and without protein you are at risk of losing A LOT of lean body mass, which actually will lower your metabolism.

So to answer, I think my calories are around 800 or so a day. I am open to any suggestions, and I appreciate the help. Thanks!

That's a starvation diet, I was eating around that number when I was suffering with anorexia.

Unless you are severly underestimating your calories, that is COMPLETLY unhealthy, and it will NEVER be healthy to eat at that level.

At your weight, you could easily bump it up to around 1600 calories and still lose weight. But do it slowly, god knows how much your metabolism would have slowed down eating at that rate.

Are you exercising too?
Thanks for the replies

Thanks Chillen, your upbeat and positive energy is appreciated as well as your information, very helpful. Austin_88, I do get protien from dairy, protien bars, morning star products and legumes. When I cut out meat and carbs, it does not leave me with only fat though, because I incorparate lots of veggies, fruit and the protien sources I mentioned such as dairy, tofu, starches such as corn and potaotoes and of course, water. It is not a blind way of eating, I understand about metabolism, I am thinking about adding lean meats such as fish and maybe lean poultry. I don't think I could do 1,600 calories, maybe around 1,200 or so I think is a good idea. I am exercising, I do cardio such as walking, jogging, and situps/crunches. I am working on a better workout routine because I feel so much better after I exercise. Thanks for your help, I appreciate when people share how they truthfully feel, it is a good thing. Thanks, and any more information I really appreciate! Thanks! Good thoughts to you and anything you are going through and on your journey to health as well!
I don't think I could do 1,600 calories, maybe around 1,200 or so I think is a good idea
Why don't you think you can do 1600 - and why do you think 1200 is a good idea?

What are your current stats? you want to really eat for the size you are - not where you want to be -because you say you want to lose 50lbs - depending on how realistic that is -when you're down around 30lbs -yu're going to have to make a caloric adjustment - at 1200 you've got no room to adjust.. .
LoveHolyGod, it sounds like you and I are about at the same point - I'm 28, weigh just under 200 and want to get to 150 (I'm 5'10"). I'm also a lifelong vegetarian.

My goal in the beginning was to eat 1800 calories a day and burn 2800 (for a 2lb a week loss). I know from past experiences that when I exercise a lot, I tend to lose my appetite. This was a real issue in high school when I was training for sports and would literally have no energy because I wasn't eating enough. So I would force myself to eat a lot. But I wasn't trying to lose weight. Now that I am losing weight, I feel that 1800 is still a tad on the high side for me - I end up feeling like I'm stuffed all the time. I tend more towards 1400-1600 simply because that keeps me satisfied. But if I'm extra hungry at dinner, I don't hold back until I've hit 1800 calories.

The main issue that I see with only eating 800 calories (or even 1200) is that you are probably always hungry (at least I would be). And you might not notice it as "hunger" but you will be tired, cranky, and generally have low energy. While you can live like this for awhile, your body will eventually say enough is enough and you will end up gorging yourself. If you have really strong willpower, it might not happen until you reach your goal weight. But then you won't stay at that weight very long. You will gain it back.

Try to find a calorie figure that is sustainable in the long run. Don't deprive yourself such that you are eating for the short term. Change your long term eating habits. Check out this site to help you figure out what your calorie intake for maintaining your weight is and hoe how to change that to lose weight:

I'm glad you are exercising. That's an important part of all of this. Try to add some strength training in there as well.
Thanks !

Thanks for the post! I try to stay eating through out the day, for instance today I had a protien bar for breakfast with juice, a bannana for a snack and I will have a salad with a veggie burger for lunch, granola with milk and fruit for a snack and Rice, beans and veggies for dinner with fruit juice. So I do eat a bit, I do understand what you are saying about making sure I am getting enough for health reasons like having enough energy, it is a good thought and will help me to stay motivated in making sure I am eating healthy, not too little or too much. I will try to add some strength training and I appreciate your help! I will also check out the website. I am hoping you are doing well with your health journey! Thanks!