Sport Daily Diet - trying to lose weight?

Sport Fitness
i, I am a 15 year old male, 5 feet 11 inches, and weigh 208 lbs. I am overweight and recently I have been working out and on a daily diet that is usually as follows:

11 30am- Eat assortment of fruits; melons, grapes, apples, oranges, etc., with one glass of milk.

1pm- Go to the gym workout, cardio ETC.

3pm-Eat USUALLY 2 cups of healthy pasta with MANY vegetables, carrots, beans, brussel sprouts.

6-9pm- At park, soccer, sports, ETC.

10 30pm- SALAD, vinegar and olive oil dressing, sometimes with samosa filled with celery and/or some bread.

I ONLY DRINK WATER! Is this a healthy diet? How many calories do you think I intake per day?

When do you wake up in the morning? If you wake up at something like 6 to 8 in the morning, where is breakfast?

The list of foods you give seems to be rather low in protein. If you are vegetarian, you may want to increase the amount of beans in your meals (replacing other high calorie foods like the pasta, although some protein from other sources like grains, milk, eggs, or nuts is needed in addition to beans to optimize the amino acid profile of your protein intake). Otherwise, lean meats, eggs / egg whites, and skim dairy products can help with the protein intake while keeping the total calories down.

As far as the number of calories your food list gives, you did not give amounts, so no one can accurately estimate that. There are on-line databases and calculators that can help you make that calculation.
Even per the crappy USRDA guidelines, you are severely deficient in protein. All you eat is carbs.
Fix that first.
you really do need to increase your protein intake. And it really is hard to tell if your diet and caloric intake is good or not since you do not label the quantity of food eaten.

To give you an example of how much food I eat check out my blog at and look for What I Eat - Edwin Ng. I'm 5'9" 172 pounds, with 5-6% bodyfat and am pretty sure I eat more than you from the looks of it. The exercise you're doing is good though so keep that up.

Another thing which may be holding you back from losing weight (Im guessing all the exercise is for that purpose) is that you may not have gone through all the stages of puberty yet. I say this may be factor because after puberty testosterone levels increase dramatically from pre-pubescent stages which will aid in increasing lean muscle mass and decreasing body fat. Hope this helps.