Sport Daily diet - maintain fibre while increasing carbs/protein

Sport Fitness
So I have read a lot of the good info on this forum. I have a query about bulking up a little whilst maintaining fibre in your diet. I have IBS so need to keep fibre up.

I am 6ft, 27 years old and about 165lbs. I have trouble putting on muscle which I think is down to not enough carbs/protein in my diet, also I have a high metabolism and play a lot of sports (so high aerobic work-outs). I have made some adjustments to my diet to introduce more carbs/protein, especially around work-outs (with weights) - what I am wondering is if it is enough. I am trying to strike the right balance between introducing more calories in the form of carbs/protein and keeping fibre high. Here is my rough diet, followed by the adjustments I want to make:

Current Daily Diet

- Fresh orange/fruit juice and tea
- Toasted whole-wheat bagel with almond butter
- 3 or 4 pieces of fruit (eg. today was 3 mandarins, 1 kiwi)

- Homemade vegetable soup
- 1/2 sandwich: tuna (in olive oil), avocado, spinach and mustard on wholegrain bread

- Other 1/2 of sandwich
- Snack on raw almonds/occasionally fruit too

- Usually a high vegetable containing meal of pasta/rice/chilli. Often vegan (my gf likes to eat vegan) and 90% of the time no meat.

- I pretty much only drink water (with squeezed lemon), fruit juice and green/black/peppermint/herbal teas all day, with the occasional small coffee. I probably drink about 1-2 litres water, 1 glass of fruit juice and (at least) 5-6 cups of tea, primarily green.

So since reading this forum I have realised I am probably not putting on muscle due to the lack of carbs/protein in my diet. Also that my post-work-out-with-weights diet was not good (I often didn't eat anything in the first 30 min after working out, if I did it was usually fruit). Here are the adjustments I was planning:

AM - Have a glass of (low fat) milk as well
Lunch - More tuna on sandwich to increase protein
Afternoon - More almonds.
PM - Another glass of milk?
- Perhaps introduce more chicken/tuna into my meals (or even tempeh due to the vegan thing)
- Have a side salad of spinach and broccoli (in an olive oil/lemon juice dressing - my fav :)) - basically high fibre, high protein vegetables - with every meal
Post work-out - Smoothie with yoghurt, milk, banana, pineapple and whey powder.
Pre work-out - Banana/other fruit

So I know this is a sort of 'it depends' question but do you think this is enough? Also are there other ways I haven't considered of introducing more carbs/protein without massively reducing fibre that you can think of? Also, aside from whey (which I don't consider a supplement), I am not that keen on taking supplements - although I may introduce dextrose to my post-work-out smoothie, I would rather get the carbs from a more fibrous source such as fruits.
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