Sport Daily Diet Guidance

Sport Fitness
I am brand new and I find this forum to be VERY informative.
I know what I should do about my workouts, but I am mystified about my diet. I calculated (based on a trainer post) that I need 1400-1500 calories a day.

I start off with a 180 calorie protein shake (more if I put fruit in it) and from there, I am lost. Lunch is usually turkey and cheese on slim ww bread. Afternoon snack, cheese and Triscuits, dinner varies salad with a protein or broccoli and a protein, not a lot of volume. I know this is not 6 meals a day.

I'm 5'2", 120lb, fat around the middle, 42 y/o and active. My goal is to lose the gut and get back down to the 110 lbs I was 2 years ago. Then, I want to get cut!!:p

Any diet plan(s) would be appreciated. Thanks
There are plenty of posts where I talk about the 5 tips to fat loss. If you haven't read them, here they are :)

1) Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. Each meal should be 2-3 hours apart. Each meal should contain one protein and one carb. The first meal should be eaten within an hour after waking.

2) Drink a cup of water at each meal.

3) Rest properly. This means taking at least 48 hours between strength training the same muscles, and it also means getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Lastly, it means taking 1-2 days off from exercising per week.

4) Cardio. This should be done at different intensity levels and different session lengths. Consider doing a low intensity/long session, a high intensity/short session and a few medium intensity/medium length sessions.

5) Strength Training. Strength train each muscle 1-3 times per week. You should lift a proper weight and perform the proper amount of sets/reps for your strength training method. If you need more guidance or exercise ideas you can head over

All of the above things combined will result in fat loss. Protein/carb combo meals could include: chicken and wild rice, salad topped with chicken, egg whites and oatmeal, cottage cheese (considered protein) and blueberries, black bean roll ups, etc
I guess all I need now is a good calorie counter book (probably have one). Thanks Trainer Lynn, I had read your outline before, I guess I was looking for a miracle recipe that I didn't have to think about too hard.

I don't eat junK food anyway, I just need to stay disciplined and that means NO WINE! That is what got me into this shapeless state.:eek: is a popular one on this forum. It keeps track of what you eat for you. I have heard that it over estimates the amount of calories burned though. So be careful there. Just use it to tally your daily info.