Cytolean / Hydroxycut & The Contraceptive Pill ???

Can anyone tell me if they know of have any info or know any websites regarding my question...

Can / Does Cytolean or Hyrdoxycut effect the contraceptive pill ???

I asked my local doctor and she didnt have a clue. She told me to email the company and I did and the email didnt go through. I got it from the Cytolean website.

Thanks in advanced.
I don't believe it does because I am on the pill and take Hydroxycut Hardcore. But I do take them a few hours apart usually just in case.

PLEASE do keep in mind, that if you skip a pill, and take more than one birth control, and then take Hydroxycut, it can make you sick. I only say this because it happened to be last week, I forgot to take my pills so I actually took 3 at one time, and did my usual hydroxycut I take before the gym, all at one time. BIG MISTAKE. I ended up almost fainting halfway through my workout (it came out of no where) and felt horrible. I was dizzy and felt nauseated. So don't do that :)
Well if I emailed a company and it bounced...I don't think I'd trust their products too much.

especially a 'cutting' product...since those don't really do much to begin with, and hte rest of your diet and exercise regimen needs to be on target to begin with.