Recently, I went to 24hour fitness. I was browsing through the Apex products with a trainer, the suddenly, another trainer, [ i remember him, he was the one who arranged my membership ] says that I do not need that, I need cytogainer if I want to get bigger, not apex. Then he told me that he had a cytogainer that he hadn't used, since he said he is big enough and needs lean muscle.
He the sold me a 6lb jar of rockyroad flavored cytogainer. When I went home, I realized that it was already opened, so my question is, how do I know that it is the real thing? And not just coacoa powder or something?
Anyway to tell ? Texture?
Furthermore, how often should I take it?
The trainer said once in the morning and once before I sleep. Any other recommendations?
Also, i saw him take it out of his personal locker. So that must mean that it should be the real thing correct? Any other comments on this
Furthermore, I paid for this. And I don't want to waste it by not using it. But if it isn't the real deal, there's no point of using it. So is there anyway to identify that this is the real deal?
Lastly, I'm 14 years old.
He the sold me a 6lb jar of rockyroad flavored cytogainer. When I went home, I realized that it was already opened, so my question is, how do I know that it is the real thing? And not just coacoa powder or something?
Anyway to tell ? Texture?
Furthermore, how often should I take it?
The trainer said once in the morning and once before I sleep. Any other recommendations?
Also, i saw him take it out of his personal locker. So that must mean that it should be the real thing correct? Any other comments on this
Furthermore, I paid for this. And I don't want to waste it by not using it. But if it isn't the real deal, there's no point of using it. So is there anyway to identify that this is the real deal?
Lastly, I'm 14 years old.