The problem I have is not the actual training part, but rather the motivation to actually get on my bike. Im comfortable in my kit and on the bike I can't get enough. I just need that push to start getting ready for the ride, to wake up early. Its easy to get the drive when there's a big race coming up, so its easy for me to be consistant in my training because everyone's training and I wouldn't wanna fall behind or get dropped on the weekend ride. Im just looking for that thing that i need that would make me jump up and start riding instead of thinking up reasons why I don't have to. I started a blog where I listed some of the stuff I could think of, but I still haven't found "the thing" that would give me drive and push me to be better. If anyone's interested, my blog is at Why are we not cycling like we should. I have some cool training tips on there that have worked for me in the past. Any advice would be appreciated