Cycling and leg muscle building

Hello! I am wondering is cycling will bulk up my leg muscles if I put the gears at a setting which takes a lot of pressure to pedal.

I am a woman and I've been trying to build up the muscles in my legs and bottom for months (mostly with weighted squats and backwards leg-lifts). Yet while my bum has perked up, my legs seem determined to stay skinny. I have a good diet: lots of veg, fruits, seafood, poultry, etc (I don’t eat pork or beef for moral reasons). I only occasionally do cardio since I don’t want to become too thin.

Thanks for reading! Your comments are appreciated.
Increasing the size of your leg muscles requires 2 things:
1. progressively heavier weights
2. time (maybe many years, depending on your genetics)
Remember the leg muscles carry your body around, so even in a person who doesn't exercise they get a lot of stimulation just moving you around. To make a significant difference in the size of your legs you have to shock the muscles, which generally means heavy weight. And also remember your legs have both pushing functions (quadraceps affected by squats, etc.) and a rear chain (thigh biceps, affected by dead lifts, etc.) that both need to be exercised to prevent injury, maintain balance and promote long term growth.
Hi Zenith,

I supplement my indoor cycling with standing jumps and standing box jumps. I feel like cycling gets my endurance for my legs and jumps help with the size. That is what I have been doing.
Cycling is the best process for muscle building especially for leg muscles and some portion of thigh also, apart from muscle building cycling is the best practices to keep and maintain a balance body weight.

You are definitely on the right track. Higher gear cycling will build up the legs better than lower gear.
Check out the height of your saddle too. The thighs are at their most effective in the straight to 90 degree range of movement, so having your saddle set low where most of the movement is outside this will be utilising gluteals more than quads.
Ride hard on short distances to maximise growth, or do intervals. Sprint cyclists in velodromes are bigger legged by a long way than tour riders.
Weights wise dswithers has it, nothing more to say.
Cycling definitely helps to build up the muscle especially in upper and lower portion of your leg. How long have you been riding cycling. As you did not mention it. I guess you have just started it. Right? Then be patient. Just keep your hard works continuously for two months. If you really want to get shape of your leg's muscle then try to ride cycle little bit faster than usual. Just make sure you endure the extra pressure and don't try it too hard. Stretching is good before all sorts of exercise. So please do some free hand exercise before cycling.