cutting supplements for women??

Why risk your health when you can just work a little harder and do it the natural way???
yea i deff dont wanna be taking anything that could affect my heath in a negative way... but i mean what about L-glutamine?or creatine?? i have been told to add these, but idk much about them?? thnx
Creatine is more for adding muscle. Glutamine could help you preserve muscle while cutting, but i think people put too much emphasis on supplements. Alll you really need is good food and exercise.
answer: good mutli-vitamin and EFA's (essental fatty acids) like flax seed oil or fish oil. this is the top 2 most important things.
o yah lost of extra water :) 150lbs 2 gallons a rough scale for you to chart from
skip glutamine. never seen any research proving it helps with athletes.

if you were in a burn ward, or had HIV, glutamine might be useful to you.

Honestly, you should be able to cut without supplements. If you can't, fix your diet and your training.

You should only use cutting supplements when you are 5-10 lbs away from your target weight/bodyfat that's the most difficult fat to shed for most people.
kk...yea thats actually where im at now.. the last 5lbs is soo dam tough for me... i guess i juat wanted an extra push... but like u said up my cardio, and keep eating right, i should be able to thanxx
kk...yea thats actually where im at now.. the last 5lbs is soo dam tough for me... i guess i juat wanted an extra push... but like u said up my cardio, and keep eating right, i should be able to thanxx

IMO, Creatine (Mono or CEE) isn't going to do crap for your last 5 pounds that is being tough on you.

To be honest, I have no idea what will help you, assist yourself to lose this last few pounds, because simply you didn't provide enough information for anyone to really narrow down some refined answers to provide advice. One thing I do know: You walk in your supplement that will provide the cure, and this is all you need.

Additionally, you may not need to increase cardio to lose the last 5 pounds; why people resort to "increasing cardio" as the default answer to the last 5 pounds of fat is beyond me. It is simply not the default option for everyone.

What will work for you will depend on some of your personal diet and fitness history. What you have learned to work and what you have learned not to work and tweaking the differences, and applying a little education.

What sort of diet were you on that led to your majority of your fat loss?

What sort of average deficits were you running per day?

Did you tweak/manipulate any macro-nutrients during this period? If so what did you do? What results did this bring when you---enjoined this activity with a calorie deficit?

Have you manipulated carbohydrates?

How active is your training? What is the "intensity" level like? How often? Do you know how approximate calories are expended when you train?

Do not get me wrong, cardio "can" produce great results for some people (myself included); however, it required that the diet is set right-especially the last few pounds, and has to be more in tune in what goes in the mouth as the body is going to be more "on fire" to battle you must be tougher than its unwillingness to let go of its coveted last few pounds. Take it from someone who has experience in once battling these last few pounds.

To un-tough this problem begins with education in manipulating the almighty calorie and manipulating the almighty macro-nutrients, and "may" or "may not" include a change in your training--dependent on what this is.

ROCK ON!..........Provide enough information for someone to give good advice.

Best wishes

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chillen makes good points.

creatine monohydrate will probably make you gain water weight...which will just frustrate you right now (CEE is less prone to water weight as a side effect though...)

Its possible your food choices are the problem, rather than calorie balance/deficit. Post a normal day's food detailed.

You may be taking in too many carbs, or too many starchy/simple carbs (bread, pasta, potatoes) than your body needs. We're all unique. Some guys/gals can get lean on potatoes and bread and steaks...others (like me) gotta really cut the carbs to get decent fat loss.

Don't be afraid to try some minor changes like carb cycling, or HIIT instead of regular cardio, or slow steady-state cardio first thing in the morning on an empty shed those last pounds.

if that still fails, maybe a decent fatburner IS what will do the trick...hard to say.
8am-1/2 cup plain oatmeal, 1 egg white...but past 2 weeks protein shake also 1 scoop with water
10am-2 egg whites, 2 cups green bout 2tbs hummus
12-4oz. chicken boneless, skinless , and 1/2cup brown rice
2-1 cup greens(diff daily brocolli, spinach, green beans.
5-4oz lean meat or chicken, 1 cup greens, and sweet potato
8 or 9- cottage cheese
also 2 cups green tea daily .... idk im confused dont know if im even eating on the right track????
i was told from a friend that eating something like protein pancakes daily, even with bout 30 carbs in a serving would be beneficial???
8am-1/2 cup plain oatmeal, 1 egg white...but past 2 weeks protein shake also 1 scoop with water
10am-2 egg whites, 2 cups green bout 2tbs hummus - an egg white is only 3g of protein. you need more protein!
12-4oz. chicken boneless, skinless , and 1/2cup brown rice
2-1 cup greens(diff daily brocolli, spinach, green beans) no protein at all...
5-4oz lean meat or chicken, 1 cup greens, and sweet potato
8 or 9- cottage cheese how much? 1/2 cup? whole cup?

all in all your diet looks better than many people who come here. for cutting, you might be a little heavy on the carbs...depends. some people do ok with carbs when cutting, others (like myself) have to cut carbs back...I prefer to carb cycle to retain my sanity though.

What I'd do, is get free and start tracking stuff. get a really good idea of your caloric intake, and macro ratios. It'll be easier for us to re-tool things.
thanks thanks so much, the protein is low now, cuz i am still figurin out which 1 works the best... i am deff gonna try that logging website, you can keep helpin me???? :action4: thad be great i respect all ya advice
I agree with wesrman for the most part...but there are alot of supplements that can help you out alot in general and in cutting. I am a big fan of BCAA's, Neovar, Fish oil and alot of vitamin c. There are some good products that will help with body fat percentage loss...I hated most of em but my sister in law loved x-force. I think its mostly important to consider what is in them and how it will effect your body.
So far I have had the best results through a diet something like the anabolic diet...just keep in mind that vegetables are necessary for minerals and vitamins so dont cut carbs so low that you are not getting enough veggies. Hope this helps!