How would a properly designed cutting diet look like? Im currently bulking, so what I do is eat healthy, eat good, get lots of protein... But in 2 weeks i start cutting, so how should i modify my diet? Macronutrient timing? Help please...
Yes thats right. Not gonna list them as it would take ages.
Just google it and you'll find loads of stuff. Post any good links back for for other ppl to use.
FYI - Rice has one of the highest GI numbers. avoid
oats are very low, thats why they are great for breakfast.
Also, what I have to do is eat COMPLEX CARBS... But can I also eat firbous carbs? Fruits? Veggies? Fruits are a bit high on the GI, so not sure about fruits, but veggies, are they good? Maybe post some sample foods I could eat in a workout day?
Should I take in the fruits before workout? after workout? is a fruit smoothie with 100% Whey good for PWO? Then some healthy fats and protein for PPWO? Veggies I would rather take during the night... Maybe a tuna salad, or some steamed veggies... Sound good?
yes to all the above apart from fats.
Keep fats to a min before and after your workout as they slow down digestion. You want to get the carbs and protein digested as quick as pos.
But add healthy fats during the evening is great. Maybe add a flavored olive oil to your tuna salad.
A great last meal of the day would be dark green vegg, tuna salad with cheese and olive oil.
COuld someone post up examples of healthy fats other than peanuts and almonds, etc? WHen is the best time for fruits? During the day right? Not before bed...