Sport Cutting bars don't solidify

Sport Fitness
I gave the recipe including 1 c. of milk another shot today, thinking maybe something would be different from the other 3 times I've tried to make bars including milk.

Nothing. The top layer hardens, but everything below is a sticky batter.

There were only 3 steps in the directions: pour into bowl, mix until sticky batter forms, refrigerate overnight.

How does milk possibly come up as a solid for those who eat these bars?

Unless I'm going insane? :confused:
What's the recipe? I dont know what you're trying to make, but try adding egg whites to the recipe before blending. Eggs act as a coagulating agent - for example, I make a chocolate mousse which is a thick fluid before going into the fridge. A couple of times I've forgotten to put eggs into the recipe before blending, and it will never set without them.
No worries, the same thing has happened to me when i made them. Try putting them in the freezer and only keeping them in the fridge only a little while before youll eat them, or leave them in the freezer and take them out in the morning on the way to wherever youre going and hopefully youll have a fridge there.
Well the thing is I kind of was hoping to eat them as a PPWO meal almost, like a 2nd meal every day while at school.

So I was planning to make a few batches for the week or 2 weeks.

I also only cut them into 6 bars, as 8 was not even close to an actual "bar" size. Could someone do the macro breakdown for me of pro/carb/fat in each?

Here's the recipe Chris:

For Cutting:

Combine in Large Mixing Bowl

8 Scoops Whey (Vanilla is very good)
3 Cups Oats
1 Package Sugar Free Fat Free Pudding (Any flavor is good)
2 Cups Skim Milk (USE 1--2 WILL NEVER SOLIDIFY)

Mix until a sticky batter is formed (may take a few minutes)

use a large spoon to spread out the mix into the bottom of a Pam-sprayed glass or metal cooking tray (spread until even)
put in the fridge overnight and cut into 8 equal bars that yield:
3g fat
28g carbs
29g protein
257 calories
These bars taste amazing, and are perfect for: breakfast, pre OR postworkout.

What I found effective is about halfway through the day, I flipped them over, so the other side and more of the middle would solidify. That seemed to work.

MACRO BREAKDOWN PLEASE for 6 bars! I'm very meticulous
Oh I made them--my mother said they tasted great! It just took me 3 times to get that I needed only 1 cup of milk instead of 2, like the guy who posted the recipe stated.

Works like a charm---if it's soggy a bit, just cut the bars, and flip them over and let them solidify.

I'm having one for my 2nd meal in about 2 hours....but I need to know what the breakdown per bar if there's 6 bars instead of 8.

Anyone have any idea?
I would seriously try adding an egg white to your next batch - It could definately help them set. If that's the breakdown for 8 bars, then the breakdown for 6 is:
4g fat
37g carb
39g protein
343 calories
Thanks a lot for the breakdown, Chris. When would be best time to have these bars? I had one for my 2nd meal this morning--it tasted awesome!

Should this be kept at PWO/PPWO due to the high carb content?
Ya you just multiply the serving size numbers by 8, then divide by 6.