Cutting at 14?

Is it safe to "smart" cut at such a young age? Will it effect my growth (havn't had my growth spurt yet...don't think so anyway unless I'm doomed to be 5'5 the rest of my life) even if I'm eating healthy foods, all my vitamins and minerals, etc? If so, how much would it effect it?

Oh btw I only want to cut down a few % I think, I'm not majorly fat or anything. I'd say I'm about 13/14%... but I'm planning on doing a long clean bulk and since the bulking hasn't gone so well the past few months (damn peanut butter, cheated so much with it), I plan on getting rid of the extra body fat I gained + more so I can get back to my goals.
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Generally, it's not recommended to diet in any form while you're still growing. What you can do that shouldn't hurt is eat your maintenance level of calories and increase your activity so that the calorie deficit is coming from extra work.

If you gained a lot of bodyfat from overeating while bulking, simply dropping your calories back to maintenance and increasing your aerobic training (so that you're expending more energy than you're taking in) would be a fairly safe and effective method of getting rid of some of that fat.

Oh, and make sure your nutrition is really solid...and next time you bulk, do it clean. ^_^
Do not "cut" at your age, secondly, your 14 - you have quite some time left to grow. For instance i thought i was going to be 5'8 my entire life at 15 however when i turned 16 i have a growth spurt (not kidding) of 4 inches in one year.

To grow your body needs three things
1. Genetic potential
2. Food to fuel the growth
3. Rest, and lots of it

And maybe a forth. we know that Resistance training stimulates bone growth, however no study has ever been done to ask the question on rather or not weight lifting can help with increasings ones hight during puberty. Though their is no negative side affect to it, so why not do it? (the Myth about weight lifting will stunt your growth is completely false by the way.)
Do not "cut" at your age, secondly, your 14 - you have quite some time left to grow. For instance i thought i was going to be 5'8 my entire life at 15 however when i turned 16 i have a growth spurt (not kidding) of 4 inches in one year.

To grow your body needs three things
1. Genetic potential
2. Food to fuel the growth
3. Rest, and lots of it

And maybe a forth. we know that Resistance training stimulates bone growth, however no study has ever been done to ask the question on rather or not weight lifting can help with increasings ones hight during puberty. Though their is no negative side affect to it, so why not do it? (the Myth about weight lifting will stunt your growth is completely false by the way.)

This is true. That's why I wouldn't recommend doing anything more than eating maintenance and increasing your activity. If you insist on cutting, we can't stop you..My intent was to address a solution your problem, and not question the validity of it. Left up to my own devices I'd say "don't cut, period. You're still growing. Besides, you're still relatively thin and healthy at 14% bodyfat." However, if you're determined to lose the weight (and I know how that is ^_^) you'll do something, anyway. If you do choose to ignore the good advice of people who will tell you "don't diet when you're still growing," then my recommendation stands.
Ok, but say I do cut for 1/2 months. Would if have that much of an effect on my growth? Would it just post-pone it or would it skip it altogether?
Well I'm about 13/14% now and I'd like to get down to around 10%.

I'm about 125 lbs at 5'5 right now, so I don't know just a few pounds worth of fat.
Well I'm about 13/14% now and I'd like to get down to around 10%.

I'm about 125 lbs at 5'5 right now, so I don't know just a few pounds worth of fat.

In all honesty, i do not think you need to bulk or cut at this point. i believe you should stick with your exercises (cardio and weights) but just eat a balanced healthy diet. worry about bulking and cutting later on down the line when your hormones can become more of a contributing factor.
But I really would feel much more better about myself if I cut a bit first. I'm pretty self-conscious, and although I know I'm average with my current body fat %, I'm just afraid that when I go for this long (plan to go a few years) clean bulking I'll gain too much fat (I'll try my hardest not too of course, but gaining a bit of fat will happen).
So if I cut down a few % now, when I do start to bulk and gain lots of muscle + a little bit of fat, the fat that I do gain will hopefully only be around the amount of bf % I'm at now.
So basically, I'll have a lot more muscle with the amount of body fat I have now.
As i said do what you will, If those pounds really mean that much to you. then "cut" them off. just make sure you do not deprive yourself of the food you need to grow.
Like Silent said, do as you wish, but really if I were in your position gaining more muscle mass would be more beneficial than cutting down from where you are now. I think at 5'5 and 125 with 13%-14% BF means you don't have enough muscle.. I can only imagine that once you cut down to 10% you'll be bony and skinny not lean and fit. Once again if getting down to 10% is a priority for you go ahead. Be absolutely sure you have a good diet though and don't deprive yourself of nutrients thinking it will help you lose the weight faster.
My opinion, healthy diet and proper exercise will do what you need. Actually dieting may not give you enough energy to build the muscle you need, and yes, could decrease your height potential because you never know when those growth spurts are coming... you cannot just eat more later to make up for it, so if you want to reach your full potential listen to what all these guys are saying. To "cut" body fat, the safest thing to do is get enough exercise and build enough muscle to maintain your HEALTHY diet. So yeah, maybe not TOO much peanut butter, but SOME... And build those muscles, they will burn the fat and your metabolism will increase as you get taller and leaner.