Cut down on calories, Exercising 2 hours everyday, 4 months NO RESULTS.


I'm 23 years old . I weigh 180 lbs and I'm 5'8''. I was never an active person nor was I ever been into sports in my 23 years of existence. Now, I feel like I've become really flabby and I need to be more fit. I enrolled in a gym and they put me in a program. I go to the gym everyday except on Sundays. I usually do 30 mins of cardio and 1.5 hours of strength training exercises.

As an Asian, my diet always included white rice. I had to remove that from my diet and started eating sweet potatoes/yam instead. Every now and then, I would eat something forbidden like popcorn, nuts or chips but that only happens at most once or twice a week.

So, after four months of doing all these, NOTHING!

Although my endurance went a bit higher and I could lift heavier weights and I could see some very minor changes on my back and shoulders (my back looks a bit fitter lol. why the back???), I still didn't look fit up front. In fact, some of my friends have been asking me if I gained weight (which I didn't, I still weigh the same)

I'm really depressed. Why do you think this is happening? I was blaming this to my really bad sedentary lifestyle before but after four months I don't think that really matters anymore.
ok..reasons can range from you are still eating more calories than you burn to simply that you are gaining muscle mass. Fat loss comes off in a genetic order (different for everyone) of first on, last off. So you might of have fat gain on the shoulders and back before starting this change.

In other words..don't give up. Take a closer look at your diet. You are on the right track, just might need some tweeking. Do a food diary for 2 weeks. Write everything. I bet at the end you can look back and see the needed changes.