Sport Cut Diet, Need Help Please

Sport Fitness

I am just wanting to lose around 10 pounds ish of body fat to show off some muscle i have. I am right now:
16 yrs old
158 lbs
5ft 10

I have been eating a bulk diet of 3098 calories for about 3 weeks now and i have gained about 3 lbs. I have 1 more week of a bulk left and so the week after i am going to start my cut diet.

My lacrosse season will be starting in 2 weeks, so that will provide fast pace cardio for 5 days a week. I will lift i am thinking twice a week, doing:

Workout A:
bench press
bent over row

Workout B:
Shoulder press
Pull ups/lat pulldowns

That will be for 2 days and I will be rotating that throughout the days.

Would this be enough for me to burn fat while maintenaning Muscle?

Now the big issue is my diet, this is what I have been eating for a bulk:

1 cup milk 110 cal
1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal 50 cal
apple 45 cal
2 egg 140
total: 345 cal

22 almonds
10 dates
total: 563 cal/

1 cup dry yields white rice 250 cal
8 oz chicken 240 cal
1 cup of mixed veggies 70 cal
6 almonds 42 cal
2 dates 46 cal
total: 666 cal

After workout:
protein powder with water
total: 110 cal/ 2g carbs/ 23 g protein

Post workout meal:
2 slice of wheat bread 200 cal
chicken breasts 100 cal
lettuce 3 cal
tomatoe 10 cal
mustard 3 cal
1 cup of milk 110 cal
carrot bag 38 cal
total: 464 cal

potatoe 100 cal
1/2 can of tuna 120 cal
1 yogurt 8oz 130
total: 350 cal

.8 cup rice dry
whatever for dinner(some kind of meat)
total: about 500 cal

Before bed:
1/2 cup non fat cottage cheese
total: 50 cal

TOTAL: 3098 Calories

I used this calculator to figure that out:

So that told me my Maintenance Calories is 2556 so i added 500 calories to that to get 3098 calories for a bulk.
Now to get into a cut im going to want to lower this to 2056 Calories.
Is this correct?

I dont want drastic weight loss, 1 pound a week is great. I also dont want to lose ANY muscle.


I know i am not supposed to eat potaotes during a cutt so i will take that off, giving me 2998 calories.
I will also take off the 6 almonds and 2 dates at lunch which now gives me a total of 2910. THen also taking off ALL the dates, so that takes me to 2680.

I am thinking of something like:

1 cup milk 110 cal
1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal 50 cal
apple 45 cal
2 egg 140
total: 345 cal

22 almonds

1 cup dry yields white rice 250 cal
8 oz chicken 240 cal
1 cup of mixed veggies 70 cal

After workout:
protein powder with water
total: 110 cal/ 2g carbs/ 23 g protein

Post workout meal:

1 cup of milk 110 cal
carrot bag 38 cal

1/2 can of tuna 120 cal
1 yogurt 8oz 130

.8 cup rice dry
whatever for dinner(some kind of meat)
total: about 500 cal

Before bed:
1/2 cup non fat cottage cheese
total: 50 cal

THats a rough idea. I know i am not supposed to eat much bread during the cut, and i dont really liek bread anyways so i will just take it out. WHAT CAN I REPLACE IT WITH IN MY POST WORKOUT MEAL?

PLEASE ANY TIPS ON CUT WILL BE HELPFUL i really need all the help i can get.

please guys i really need some tips.
LESS carbs
MORE protein

breakfast lacks enough protein, snack 1 does too, and many other meals are too low on protein, especially on a cut.

why not do 2 fullbody workouts a week, instead of some weird split that's not enough volume to make it worth your while?
Yep, I agree with too many carbs, and not enough protein. I start my day off with a 45g. protein shake, with 1/2 cup oats blended in, perfect way to start the day. After that though, I might have one piece of WW bread, or a very small serving of rice, but I usually dont. I keep the rest of my carbs to fruits after a workout, and veggies later on. Always have lots of protein, and of course make sure to get some good fats. Natural peanut butter and olive oil are great, as well as fish oil and flax oil...
The problem is that no matter what i prettyy much have to have rice with my DINNER meal because i eat with my family. ANd dont want to make them mad lol.

So thats the only place i will get lots of carbs or else i wont try to get many carbs. BUt what foods can i replace the rice, WW bread, and the other carbs with?

I mean i have Lacrosse practice starting at like 4:00 so i need energy to be able to perform all the running. I eat lunch at around 1:15 and then i will lift at 3:10 and do it for about 30 minutes because thats all the time i got.

About lifting i cant do too many excercises because i have to go to practice so i have to limit my excercises. Cant do a fullbody because its too much and i feel too tired afterwards. What other alternatives are there?
The problem is that no matter what i prettyy much have to have rice with my DINNER meal because i eat with my family. ANd dont want to make them mad lol.

About lifting i cant do too many excercises because i have to go to practice so i have to limit my excercises. Cant do a fullbody because its too much and i feel too tired afterwards.

To many excuses, Man up and just do it.
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To many excuses, Man up and just do it.

It may seem a little harsh but silent is right, if you want it, you take it.

You got fruits and starches playing too heavy of a role. Up the veggies, up the protein. Also you have little good fats in there. Get some fish oil in you.

If you want to get cut, take it seriously and do what you need to do, or just accept yourself for who you are. But don't half-way it.
ok but i still dont now like the type of foods, ie rice, potatoe which is good during a cut.

as for my workout, is there any split i can do for 2 days that will target wat is needed?
You can do a 2x a week HEAVY Full body compound routine. If in a cut keep it heavy, even superset.

Chin Ups

WEAR YOURSELF OUT, that is what full body work is about.

For diet Just follow this basic guideline and you will be good to go.

Breakfast-Protein/Fruits/Complex Carbs

Pre-Workout Meal-Lean Protein and Complex Carbs (sweet potatos, brown rice, Oats)
Post-Workout Meal-Lean Protein and Simple Carbs (dextrose, maple syurp,basically fast acting sugars)

All other meals-Protein/Fibrous Veggies/Good Fats
i think i can figure out the diet on my own now with that information. THANKs

but for my workout. The thing is that doing a full body 2x a week really gets me tired after the workout and with a seeason and coaches looking at me to provide wins for the team i really cant let them down. I also dont want to lose much of my muscle and want to be cut at the same time.

lol so hard. Our season also has games every Tuesdays and Thurs, not every week but thats the days games come in. So im thinking if i will do a fullbody that i will do them on Mon and Fri so that will give me enough rest.

But is there like no split i can do like Mon ill do Uppe body amd then fri ill do Legs, that way i can run because friday will be my leg day?

let me know guys
Sounds like you're doing too many sets/reps. Try what theleip recommends, doing only 2 sets of 12 reps (increasing the weight when you can complete the 12th rep on the 2nd set with good form). You shouldn't really experience much soreness at all after the first workout or two on a new routine. Especially if you're only doing it twice a week. You're separating the strength training days from soccer days as best you can, yeah? ST on wed, sat, soccer on mon, tues, thurs, friday, type thing?
well i was on a bulk doing 5x5 and im not sore but tired like cant really do anything more, and if i go to practice like that ill be useless :). And yes i am seperating the days only lifting on seperate days. And i didnt really play soccer on off days.

hmm so i dont know what i should do? maybe that 2x12 but ill still be tired
Well, suck it up, muffin. :D

I think it's all in your head, not being able to perform well in a soccer game after weight training. There's no reason at all that should be the case, as long as your nutrition is good.
ok ill see the 1st week how it goes.
now for my diet:

i am going to add a protein shake to my breakfast or snack 1, which one?
My lunch meal is my meal before my workout so i think i am going to stick with what i have there but eat LESS rice and MORE veggies. Would that be ok?

I will have a another protein shake after my workout with a banana for energy, then go to practice. After practice, I am thinking of having SALMOn but i dont know with wat, What should i have it with.

and i think the rest of my meals are good to go.
Please let me know.

there are only 2 days left till i start my cut. So i have put together a rough draft of my cut diet. Please take a look for the foods. I will make the calories later but i am attempting to eat 2000 calories.

1 cup milk 110 cal
1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal 50 cal
apple 45 cal
2 egg 140
1 scoop protein powder 110 cal with 23 g protein


Pre Workout (Lunch):
.5 cup white rice OR OATMEAL (WHICH ONE?)
8 oz chicken 240 cal
1 cup of mixed veggies 70 cal

After workout:
protein powder with water

Post workout meal:
1 cup of milk
carrot bag


.8 cup rice dry
whatever for dinner(some kind of meat)

Before bed:
1/2 cup non fat cottage cheese

So my questions are, SHOULD i take out milk or can I keep it in there?
Is this ok diet?

Please guys i really need a answer. It would help