Currently at 154 pounds, wondering if i get to 140...

Im currently at 154 pounds and wondering if i do get to 140 pounds would i look different? Ive been hovering around 150-159 for a while now and i wanna get out of that range cause im so sick of still having fat on my chest.

Im 154 pounds and i still have kind of a chest that pokes out which i dont like. I still have huge legs, im 17 and 5'4. For my age and height i would consider 138 pounds to be healthy weight and im doing everything i can to get their. Ive been around 150-159 for a while but i have noticed that since ive been in this weight for so long i havent gained it back so quickly back because ive been running the whole time ive been on the weight. Im dying to get to the 140's and hoping i can lose some fat off my thighs, legs, and chest when i get to 140.

Im addicted to Pop Tarts so i took them to the basement today just to get them out of my sight, and also the Chips Ahoy chewy cookies which i cant resist. I wanna get to 140 the right way though cause i lost 34 pounds simply by not eating more then 800 calories a day and running which has killed my metabolism. But i wanna get to 140 the healthy way to make sure my metabolism increases me which will allow me to eat a little more freely.
It really depends on your body fat %. Anywhere between 13-16% bodyfat your not going to notice much of a difference.
So it all depends on my body fat percentage? Cause i have no problem losing another 14 pounds cause when i put myself to something i mean i can do it. And Ive went from 189 pounds to 153 pounds but i wanna make sure i make the complete turnaround. If i get to 140 pounds ill most likely be thin and no one can ever think about calling me fat. People still say im a little chubby so i wanna keep losing weight.

153 pounds isnt bad but 140 would be perfect. If i can get to that weight i can then start eating more freely and just workout to work anything i eat thats bad.
Yea i think i got that infection man. I am constantly weighing myself on my scale . I tell myself i will only weigh myself once a week but i just cant resist. Cause my metabolism is so low, i can gain weight quick and i just hate that. I ate some McDonalds fries today and i had to work my ass off to burn that off. I gained a pound by just eating those fries.

I wanna start doing some strength training but strenth training is so much harder then cardio. I wanna keep losing body fat and then start building muscle. Basically i wanna be skinny and then build some muscle. I dont wanna be like a stick but i wanna be sorta like Bow Wow, the rapper. Thin with some muscle definition.
I have a hardtime believing someone can loose 14lbs and not notice a difference.

Most people won't notice a difference because people see themselves in a mirror everyday. I bulked up 15 pounds and I still looked the same, though I was making gains at the gym.
Yea i think i got that infection man. I am constantly weighing myself on my scale . I tell myself i will only weigh myself once a week but i just cant resist. Cause my metabolism is so low, i can gain weight quick and i just hate that. I ate some McDonalds fries today and i had to work my ass off to burn that off. I gained a pound by just eating those fries.

I wanna start doing some strength training but strenth training is so much harder then cardio. I wanna keep losing body fat and then start building muscle. Basically i wanna be skinny and then build some muscle. I dont wanna be like a stick but i wanna be sorta like Bow Wow, the rapper. Thin with some muscle definition.

Well first off, stop eating McDonalds, that **** is horrible for you. With that said, you mention Chips Ahoy cookies and Pop Tarts, I hope thats not a part of your regular diet, you should have those rarely...

Anyways, you mention wanting to lose fat on your thighs, legs, and chest. Well you can run all you want, but I think you are much better suited to lift weights more regularly, with some cardio thrown in. Instead of just trying to shed the fat, with risk of losing just as much muscle, why not work the muscles to get them stronger, which consumes more calories, which will help shed fat all over your entire body. Then you can start ignoring the scale number, realizing that its only a number, and focus more on improving your body, mentally and physically.
Where alot alike my friend.. Except I was worse.. I weighed 174 pounds and im 5 foot 2 inches.. yyyeeeaaaa... I lost 44 pounds by simply eating 800 calories a day (not healthy) now im working to bulk up... But here's some advice.. healthy way eat on a 1200 or 1400 calorie diet.. I'd say that'd be good.. and excercise at least 30 minuets a day. you'll reach your 140 in a month or two.
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I lost 25 and my son says he can't really see a difference, but he does notice that when he sits next to me my legs aren't as soft and squishy and my arms aren't as big.....