Weight-Loss Curious question


Crissy Snow1

New member
Is it possible to live off of vitamins alone without food since vitamins has the stuff that food has? What I mean is like not eating taking vitamins and drinking lots of water without eating food at all? Is that safe?
Where would you get your energy from?
I guess technically you could live that way, from vitamins your entire life... but you'd have to have a very large verity of them to get enough of everything, and would be very expensive...
well there is a vitamin for everything isn't there? It's just food gives you a large assortment of things which would be tough trying to get vitamins for. I don't know anyone who would actually do it, and I'm not a nutritional expert, I know it can't be a good solution from eating. It's always best to do things naturally.
No it isnt possible and is a daft idea, you would starve yourself. The only calories you would be getting would be whatever each tablet/capsule had.
Your metabolism would be ruined and you'd generally be messed up.
not a wise idea me thinks ;)
Vitamins cause chemical reactions in your body , but you need Carbohydrates Protein and fats to survive and grow. You can't survive on vitamins alone.
Vitamins have nothing to do with powering your body directly. Only eating something with calories is going to give you any energy. That's all a calorie is, a measurement of energy. Vitamins are essential to keep your body running correctly, but they can *not* take the place of food.