I love crystal light, only way i drink water.. but I think it may be giving me gas and bubbles in my tummy. Its the only thing I can think of in my diet that could be doing that. Anyone else have problems with it?
Apparently alot of people have read this but noone responded.
I can tell you from my own personal experience, that drinking artificial sweeteners gives me an upset stomach and make me extremely nauseous. And I rarely ever get sick, its been many years since anything has made me feel like that.
it might be the quantity of Crystal Light that you're drinking. I recently started drinking A LOT more of it than I used too, and I started getting a slightly upset stomach at times. I cut back on the stuff and my stomach felt much better.
all that artifical sweetener can't be that good for you... have you tried ice water with some lemon slices or cucumber slices in it? or even make your own iced tea out of decaf green tea?
I agree with you, Avi2Kat... I just won't drink plain water, even if it is sitting right next to me. I do like Crystal Lite but get tired of it pretty quickly. One thing that I have recently discovered is the new Ocean Spray Lite Juices. They don't have as many chemicals as Crystal Lite, and they have only 5 calories per serving. Sometimes I water them down to make them stretch further, since they're a little pricey, but maybe you could try that!
I recently started drinking less pop and more water out of impulse, originally i couldn't drink it much without crystal light so that's what i have been using. During school I had THE WORST stomach ache and gas(held it in until i got home) so I decided to stop drinking water with crystal light and the pain subsided. hope this helps somehow
Why not just drink WATER. Water is good to the bones like oil to the engine. at age 58, weighing 122, I run 5-9 miles when I want, the weather has got me iffy, but come summer I'm out of here. Women just drink the water.