
Lie of the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor hip-width apart.
Place your hands behind your head, but don't lace your fingers together, have your elbows slightly rounded inwards. Have your chin slightly tilted towards your chest.

Slowly pull your abdominals inwards, and you'll curl forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder blades are off the floor. Pause, then lower. Keep your abs pulled in so you can feel the tension during the whole movement.

Be sure not to pull up on your neck, or bring your elbows in any more
Here's a good howto:

I don't know if your suppose to, but today I added a situp to the crunch, and man my abs never felt so used ;-).
sit ups suck, to make your curnches even more worth your while, crunch and pull your knees towards your chest at the same time. i dont keep my knees bent when im going back to resting position either, i straighten them out, but that is just a personal preference, and its working, i mean its worked. ;)
hey thnx. well i did some crunches 2day. i think i did it rite. neway, i did 20 reps 3 times. i think i did side to side and leg raises as well, i did 3 different types of crunches. my stomach hurts when i tense it, is that suppose to happen?? by da way, i don't understand how to do crunches the way u do it. i tried it

this is what im talking about, except that i dont come all the way up like a sit up, i just crunch.