cross country diet

yeah ive been on the cross country team for my school for 2 weeks now and ive been eating on average of 35 grams of protein daily but my coach says i really dont need it.
i think i should just cut down on my protein intake. wut should i eat throughout the week tho? i know to eat carbs at night but thats all i got..we run after school... when its 100 degrees outside.. i do drink about a gallon of water daily.. but i guess my main question is wut should i eat during the day? :confused:
lol i know today i ate wayy too much i was bloated haha i usualy dotn eat a lot but my friend kept on offering me food that i couldnt refuse!!! lol
35 grams doesnt sound like a lot... isn't 50 grams the recommended %DV by the fda for adults with a 2k calorie diet?

Understanding you dont need a lot of protein.. but 35 doesn't sound like a lot to begin with.

Whats wrong with your current diet? Or.. what is it other than high carb, low protein (which sounds fine so far).
If you're putting on huge distances, carb it up! You're not going to get big by running so much, I'll tell you what. But when you start sprinting, then you'll be able to gain some bulk, due to the nature of the sport and it's training. Unless you're still doing cross country, which is conflicting in nature.
well i lost a lot of fat since i started
ill just not eat so much b4 running lol... :D
im gonna start track in the fall. i guess my diet is healty... other kids eat pizza and fatty stuff at lunch :-s ill stick to my tuna wrap :p
i just wont drink the protein shake ^_^