Critique my routine!

My workout is primary upper body as my biking gets HUGE work-out on my legs, both in a cardio sense, and in an explosive sense. Be advised it's all body weight exercises, or with 20lbs currently. I don't have room (or money) for a weight set. I also find BWE give me a steady and good balance between adding mass, staying lean, and keeping a good strength to bodyweight ratio, so even when I find I have the funds to purchase weights, I don't really have the desire to. Many of my friends can't do near the amount of pull ups or push ups, but can easily out bench press me, lol. I don't even know what I can bench, hahah. They're ripped, but not "strong".

Please let me know what I can improve on and what I need to add:

-Weighted 20lbs Pull ups, palms out, normal width: 8, 6, 4, 2
-Weighted 20lbs Pull ups, palms out, wide width: 8, 6, 4, 2
-Pull ups palms facing me, normal width: 8, 6, 4, 2
-Push-OUTS (Burpee variation): 10, 10, 10

With minute breaks between each rep.

-Push ups wide: 10, 8, 6, 4 all under 2 minutes
-Push ups normal: 10, 8, 6, 4 all under 2 minutes
-Inclined (feet elevated)push ups wide: 10, 8, 6, 4 all under 2 minutes
-Inclined (feet elevated)push ups normal: 10, 8, 6, 4 all under 2 minutes
-Inclined (feet elevated)Perfect Push Up normal: 10, 10, 10, 10 with minute between each rep

Sometimes I leave out the wide variations because I know I wouldn't be able to complete them, or simply because I leave them out, lol. It's about 50/50 on whether they're included or not. A lot of the times, I'll just do the normal width twice and concentrate on keeping form PERFECT.

-Hanging oblique legs lifts (alternating lifting both knees to each shoulder/chin) 10, 10, 10 (that's 10 to each side, so I'm counting to 20)
-Bridge-crunch 20, 20, 20
-Contra-Lateral Core Stabilization, wide stance (You get on all fours in a wide spread out stance and lift up opposite arm and leg, and balance on opposing arm and leg) 5 on each side held for 10 seconds.

To finish everything off,

-40 yards of walking lunges with a one footed tip toe transition, weighted 20lbs. Done twice, with a 2 minute break between each 40 yards

I do all of that in about an hour. Depending on mood or energy level, I may throw in some 3x10 Renegade Rows with 20lbs per arm somewhere in there and/or some 3x10 dips on the edge of a bench. Definitely can't go biking before because I won't finish the routine. I COULD go BMXing about an hour or so AFTER, but I'd be taking it pretty easy on the ride, but still have a good time. Don't know how detrimental that is to my health, but I can do it, lol.

My diet consists of a heavy carb and protein intake. Calories vary from day to day, but usually hover around 5K because of all the sugary/starchy foods, drinks and pasta I eat.

That's where I stand. What do I need to modify? I think I'm doing a complete full body workout, but would like to hear some input on what I should add, subtract, or modify.
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Add some (wall or box) jumping (before the ab work or lunges), some "fat boy" pull-ups (after the push-ups), and some Hercules push-ups (after the fat-boys) [these are: upside-down, both hands - shoulder width, legs just barely leaning against wall - but only if you need to for balance].

Also, instead of pushing yourself up, push the earth down. Instead of pulling yourself up, pull the earth down.

Oh, and make it jumps, lunges, then core work.
Why jumps, lunges then core work? Any reason for that specific order?

What should my break time look like? One day? Two days? 3 days? I've normally been doing 1 day breaks, but with biking added in the mix, I dunno where to go now...
Why jumps, lunges then core work? Any reason for that specific order?

More/larger muscle groups and joints -> Less/smaller muscle groups, joints.

The leg work should really come before the upper body stuff, but you seem quite intent on doing 80 different push-up variations, so I'm assuming upper body is your primary concern. Not that that makes much sense, for almost anyone, imo, but emphasizing the beach muscles does seem to be popular. :p

What should my break time look like? One day? Two days? 3 days? I've normally been doing 1 day breaks, but with biking added in the mix, I dunno where to go now...

Depends on your recovery ability and goals, but generally, train strength every other day. Bike on days you don't train strength? I recall reading that your activity level is off the charts, though, so just try to keep the strength training a couple hours and a protein+carb rich meal on each side away from the other stuff.

Edit: Also, is there some reason you can't take an old backpack, buy a $2 bag of sand and a $1 box of sealable bags, fill said bags with sand, put them in the backpack, and use that for added resistance?
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More/larger muscle groups and joints -> Less/smaller muscle groups, joints.

The leg work should really come before the upper body stuff, but you seem quite intent on doing 80 different push-up variations, so I'm assuming upper body is your primary concern. Not that that makes much sense, for almost anyone, imo, but emphasizing the beach muscles does seem to be popular. :p

Well, I road bike and bmx, so my legs get taken care of. I recently started cycling again, so they'll grow along with the rest of my body, if not faster. My legs grow at an alarming rate when I was actively cycling, and was partially the reason I stopped road biking. I was so skinny, with like tree trunk legs (relatively speaking). Have you ever seen an avid cyclists legs (not just a spinner)? They're out of proportion to the rest of the body. Just google Lance Armstrong. Granted, he's a better cyclist, but his body shape (leg proportion) is pretty much what I, along with most roadies, was looking like.

But I totally see where you're coming from as MANY PEOPLE neglect their legs. I have a pretty crazy obsession for balance, and being "top heavy" is definitely something I don't want.

I'll be breakdancing again as soon as my leg heals, so yeah, not enough hours in the day, lol.

Depends on your recovery ability and goals, but generally, train strength every other day. Bike on days you don't train strength? I recall reading that your activity level is off the charts, though, so just try to keep the strength training a couple hours and a protein+carb rich meal on each side away from the other stuff.

Edit: Also, is there some reason you can't take an old backpack, buy a $2 bag of sand and a $1 box of sealable bags, fill said bags with sand, put them in the backpack, and use that for added resistance?

I've done that and I didn't like the way the backpack felt on me. Aside from the irritation of the strap (they just bothered me being there, not really "irritation to my skin"). It moved around too much during things like feet elevated push-ups or push-ups in general (slid to my neck, even tightened all the way). So I got adjustable ankle weights, and it's sitting at 20lbs currently. And since I usually go into core work right after the pull-ups, I can just leave them on my legs if I decide to do weighted variants when hanging. I want to give a weighted vest a try, but fear I'll have the same issue as a backpack, but worse since the shoulder portion is wider than a backpack strap.