Critique my routine. I need help!


New member
so I am starting a new routine. I weigh about 150 (maybe a few lbs less) and I think I am in need of bulking up a little. The schedule will be like this:

Monday: legs

Wed: back, bicep, abs

Fri: Chest, tricep

Sat: shoulder, abs

Do 45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week.

Does this sound alright? How long can I stick to a routine before I sould mis it up?

The bigger questions I have is about my diet. What all should I be eating and should there be a difference between my on and off days? I can get more specific to what my diet is like now if need be but I do eat pretty healthily (although maybe I should eat more or something if I am lifting).

Any help at all would be most appreciated.

Edit: forgot to mention my fitness goals are to put on some muscle and not gain (possibly even lose some) fat.
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You have not read the stickies, have you?

If you did, what made you decide to go with training each body part once per week after reading all the great advice in the stickies?