Sport Critique my Meal plan

Sport Fitness

So I'm trying to gain about 15 lbs, preferably muscle. a little about me..

23 years old
6ft and about 155 lbs

My current diet is alot healthier than my other one i'll post the new one for opinions and what i should do to change it or add to it

Meal 1 - 10 am
Cup of Oatmeal
Handful of Raisins
cup of Milk

Meal 2 - 12:30 pm
3 scoops Whey protein
500 ml Milk

Meal 3 - 1:30 PM
2 sliced bread (white)
1/2 can tuna mixed with Mayonase
Lettuce & 1 - 2 slices of tomato

Meal 4 - 5pm
1 Apple
1 Banana
1 cup Trail Mix w/ Raisins

Meal 5 - 7pm
2 sliced bread (white)
1/2 can tuna mixed with Mayonase
Lettuce & 1 - 2 slices of tomato

Meal 6 - 8:30 pm
2 cups pasta mixed with ground beef and tomato sauce

Beverages are Water through out the day, about 3L per day

i'm looking to be at about 170lb and lean, about 8-9% body fat.

what are your opinions on my diet?
1) Get rid of the white bread and switch over to wheat.

2) for meal 6, add in 1 cup of cottage cheese or 1-2 scope of casein

3) why 3 scope of whey for meal 2? Best time for whey is post workout or with meal 1.

To me, it seems like you have a lot of fast digesting carbs and protein in there and might want to switch some over to slower digesting stuff. Additionally, why are you eating lots of carbs later on in the day and lots of protein in the morning? Maybe flip it; carbs in morning and protein later on. What is your macro diet looks like:

1) total calorie, grams of protein / carbs, % of carbs/protein/fat.
Forgot to add that my schedule only allows me to work out before work, 11am to 12:30 pm tops. thats why i have the protein shake at lunch time.

the switching over to wheat bread shouldn't be a hassle, Whole grain or Whole Wheat?

What would you add with cottage cheese? crackers? im not sure what goes with cottage cheese hah.

The Macro content ill have to track when i'm at home,

Should i eat the same amount on an off day from the gym or do i lower my intake?