

Im looking for some advice regarding the use of creatine:

Im currently weight training 3 days per week, and also playing 5-a-side football once per week, running 5-7 miles once per week, and cross-training once per week.

Im following a fairly high protein diet, and also using taking 24g whey protein once daily.

I've been advised that using creatine would help to build lean muscle, however Im not sure if its ok to use this at the same time as whey protein. Can anybody advise if its ok to do so and woudl it be of any benefit? If so which type brand of creatine would you recommend?

My personal take on it is that you don't need to spend the money on the stuff. There are enough studies out there that have shown a placebo to be just as effective, so I think that positive response to using creatine is mostly psychological, so if you can get over that hump without the stuff then you really don't need it.

Also, cut the caffeine, as completely as you possibly can. Even small levels of caffeine in the blood can have a negative effect on your body's ability to replenish natural creatine levels in muscle tissue both during and after exercise.

Lastly, that's a whole hell of a lot of protein. Make sure you aren't snubbing carbs or fats. There are a lot of studies out there now that have concluded that more protein does not always equal more muscle mass in response to exercise. I'll try to find the specific studies on it (I know I had posted it in another thread), but one study showed that excess protein had no impact over the control group (both groups weight training) in muscle response and development. There was another study I had read that showed that protein catabolism increases if there is an excess amount of protein in the system, meaning that if you are taking in too much protein you must continue to ingest excessive amounts in order to maintain protein levels in the body.
creatine is a cheap proven muscle building supplement.

There is no reason NOT to take it in my opinion.

I bought nearly a year's supply for about 20 bucks.....
creatine is a cheap proven muscle building supplement.

There is no reason NOT to take it in my opinion.

I bought nearly a year's supply for about 20 bucks.....

well thats nuts rws never heard of it that cheap hehe but yea grab like a whole bunch its real cheap just get creapure 100% mono and it'll do the job.