D15BT said:
Wow, I always thought carbs=straight energy, but then again if not used it turns to fat what about protein if protien not used then? Or is protien always used? The way you put my diet seems alot more basic then what i had in mind thanks.
Carbs are the body's first, and preferred, source of energy.
Protien gets used to repair muscle
Fat has its place too, including stored energy
Diet doesn't need to be complicated. You should ALWAYS go for 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass, per day. Fat should ALWAYS make up 20-30% of your daily caloric intake (9calories to a gram of fat).
The easiest thing to do is figure out what your maintenance calorie intake is. You already know how much protein you need based off lean body mass.
Then figure out how many grams of fat 20% and 30% of that maintenance number, and that sets your daily fat intake range.
The rest, you fill with carbs.
To make it painfully simple (because I suck at math)
Say your daily maintenance is 1,000 calories. You have 90lbs of lean mass (say your total is 100lbs, but 10% bodyfat...so 90lbs). so you eat 90g of protein.
90*4=360 cals for daily protien.
20% of 1,000 is 200calories, or 22.2g of fat at the low end, 33g on the high end to hit 30% (300cals)
So that puts us at 360+300, or 660 cals. the remaining 340cals we want from carbs, so 85g of carbs meets that number.
So our daily intake should be 90g protein, 85g carbs, 33g of fat. That'll help us build one buff midget