creatine WITH protein?

Is it ok to mix your creatine WITH your protein drink? Or how long after i take creatine should i take protein? Is it a big deal to take cratine with juice because of the vitamin C? Or is it ok to take it with water? Because i read one creatine container and it said to drink with juice (gnc brand CREATINE PLUS) and another (cell tech) says to just drink with water, but it already has vitamin c in it. So i was wondering if its ok to mix it all together with milk?
not with milk, there is controversy about absorbtion with the milk. and i think its better to take them seperatly, to help the bioavailability.. but you can never have to much vitamin c so dont worry about that. i'd probably reccomend taking both with water, it'll help move it easier..
I think ill just kinda stick to what ive been doing and take the creatine with water and the protein with milk. The milke helps with the taste on the cocolate flavored protein. :)
hmmm, if your taking it pre workout, i guess any milk is fine. but post workout, skim milk only. fat will hinder absorbtion, im sure.
Thats a very good link mreik. Thx a lot i think ill be drinking my protein with water all the time now.