Creatine with a banana instead of juice OK?

A banan hasa 27g of carbs - I assume they are simple carbs? So, is it alright to take creatine with a banana for the insulin spike?
its fine. honestly I'd just take it with your post workout shake. resistance training induces an insulin response. if you can toss 20-30g of dextrose into that PWO shake you'll have plenty of insulin for a good absorption of all nutrients in the shake, including creatine.
its fine. honestly I'd just take it with your post workout shake. resistance training induces an insulin response. if you can toss 20-30g of dextrose into that PWO shake you'll have plenty of insulin for a good absorption of all nutrients in the shake, including creatine.

Yeah, I do take the creatine with my whey in water PWO. I eat the banana with it too. I hear about dextrose, but is it better than other carbs like from my banana (20-30g of dextrose vs. 27g carbs in banana)?
yes, because dextrose is readily available. bananas I believe contain fructose, a more complex sugar molecule.

bananas also contain some fat.

i'm usually not hungry after a weight workout, so drinking my PWO carbs is just easier for me.
Maltodextrine also works as PWO carb source for glycogen and insulin spiking. main differences is that its not very sweet, while dextrose is very sweet...and malto won't stimulate the stomach to think you ate, while dextrose does.

some larger bodybuilders who need a lotta pwo carbs might feel bloated when they ingest a lot of dextrose, but usually won't if it was malto.
I like a banana b/c it has both fast and slow digesting carbs; great for breakfast or post workout. Additionally, I thought we are not suppose to drink creatine w/ juice, not 100 sure on this though.
depends on the juice. creatine starts to destabilize quickly, and acidic juices do this more rapidly. though if you mix and drink it on the spot, no problems. mix it and wait 2 hours, you might miss out on half the creatine.

I generally don't drink juice because its empty calories, and none of the fiber i'd get if i ate teh fruit.

i just started to take creatine. the jar says no citrus juices. can i use coconut milk? what to use if i cant use juice?:sport:
read the creatine FAQ/sticky.

don't use coconut milk. too much fat content in most.

Seriously people, just get some dextrose. Its cheap and simple.