THere's zero evidence to support splitting creatine.
Creatine isn't designed to be taken on an empty stomach.
People tend to overthink creatine. Its not magic...your body already has creatine. All you're doing is upping the levels a bit.
Creatine takes hours to convert int he body, so taking it 30 mins pre-workout does NOT increase creatine levels during the workout.
There's no reason to get fancy. Throw 5 grams (a teaspoon) into your post workout shake. Drink. Repeat Daily, even on days you don't lift.
No need to do a 'loadign phase'.
No need to 'cycle off'.
If you want to make your shake better, you can add dextrose, a simple sugar, to replenish spent glycogen, and spike insulin so that creatine and protein can enter your cell walls a little more efficiently.
That's as complicated as it needs to be.