creatine when cutting

Ok i've been bulking up for a couple of months and will continue to do so for the next 2 months and i have been takin creatine properly but i was wondering when i start the cutting phase if i should still take creatine? when i start my cutting i will be playing basketball everyday for 2 hours on the school team and 3 nights a week running on the tredmill.
you're still gonna lift while cutting though, right?

its up to you if you wanna take it during your cut or not. if you're one of the people that gets a little 'puffy' from water bloat while on creatine, you might wanna cycle off it.

otherwise, there's no real need to avoid creatine on a cut. you should still be lifting 3-4 times a week, so you'll still be able to take advantage of the benefits that creatine saturation provides.

just remember, its not a miracle supplement, so its never a 'make or break' deal.