Creatine that i am using

this is the creatine i am using.. im just curious if this is the best kind there is or if i should use a different kind:

sorry not the best quality pictures
looks fine. there's not a lot of magic to creatine. the 'best' you can get is the least expensive, micronized creatine monohydrate, that hopefully carries the CreaPure logo/label on the back. CreaPure is just a processing method that gives you the purest creatine an average person can get.

usually about $16 for 500g.
..No. I personally take creatine post-workout with my protein shake and ~45g of dextrose (that's the kind of sugar you want). Looks like a fine creatine supp though.
no, coke is not the right kind of sugar. neither is fruit juice.

dextrose (corn sugar) or maltodextrin are the two best sugar choices. malto isn't as sweet as dextrose either, so if you don't like gaggingly sweet shakes, go with maltodextrin.
look in your yellow pages for Home brewing/beermaking shops. Dextrose (corn sugar) is used in beer and wine making,a nd you can get 5lbs for less than $5.

a 70cc scoop (typical protein scoop size) will hold 45g of dextrose or maltodextrin