Creatine & Protein

I am 18 years old, weight 127 pounds, height 5'9. Body Fat around 9%.

I am wondering which one I should take, how much, and at what times? (Before workout etc.)

I usually go to the gym 5 days a week.
I go to the gym at around 5 pm. It takes 20 minutes for me to get to the gym. Work out usually takes 1 hour. Going home takes 30 minutes.

I know protein is required to build muscles, but I am wondering if I should take creatine as well.

I went through I a lot of threads using the search function, but I am still not sure what I should do. I want to gain a lot of weight (Look more buff) but I don't want to ruin my health any hints on what I should do?
This question has been asked a million times. I can give you a book of answers but I'm not lol. I don't feel like typing much. But to break it down very simple. To gain musce you need more than just protein. You are going to need a higher intake of calories, carbs, fats (good fats poly-mono types) as wel as protein.

I would recommend you eat 4-5 clean meals a day. Ytry your best to incorporate fish into your diet as well. Shoot for 3,500 cals a day slowly moving up 200-300 extra calories a day so your body will get used to the extra calories. And stay away from cardio-vascular exercise. Your metabolism seems fast enough than to burn all those extra calories running mile after mile.
When one is "thinking" about taking a supplement, they MUST (IMO) educate themselves on the "realistic" benefits they can provide (and the possibility of any side effects in order to "deal effectively" with them through "educated eyes"), and then weigh this against their personal goals.

Understand that? :)

With this in mind, I start you off with some "tentative information" on Creatine:

Creatine "can" work some benefits within a routine, and is one supplement that has been extensively studied over the years.

With Creatine there are two "main" types: Creatine MONO, and Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE). As far as I know at the present their isnt any side effects with CEE, but there are with Creatine MONO:

"SOME" (not all) taking Creatine MONO tend to hold on to water (and have some side effects of: Bloating and/or gas), and when they stop, there tends to be some water weight loss. You "could" experience this when you stop taking Creatine MONO. Additionally, with MONO, there is a "good reason" for this water retention.

Having a keen eye "on your body" before MONO, during MONO, and when going off MONO is essential to stave off confusion. Why be so bewildered, if you gain weight when taking MONO, when there is chance you will gain water weight? There is a chance you 'may" just get a bit "puffy" taking MONO.

Why be so bewildered in losing some water weight when going off? LEARN HOW YOUR BODY REACTS, and the side effects of supplements!

I wrote that because, we do get a lot of new persons, complaining about gaining/losing wgt, when going on or going off MONO......when its basically (keeping things equal), water loss.

There is no shortage of info on Creatine MONO, if one takes the time to read up.

CEE (which has a different) chemical arrangment "tends" to elminate some of the side effects of MONO (including water retention), while giving near the same "claimed" benefits.

If I were to choose MONO or CEE, I would choose CEE over MONO.

Various Info on Creatine Mono and CCE, and Creatine Articles:

Some "relative" info on Mono:

Some "relative" info on Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE):

An "opinion" on which is better:

Additional Info on Creatine: Does it assist training, etc:

(some good info, but seems a bit "commercialized")

Interesting Link:


Best wishes to you my friend,

Keep ROCKEN AND WORKEN toward your goals!

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Again, speaking personally, if I had a choice between Mono and CEE, I would choose CEE. Even if I had to spend a few extra dollars.

The main reason is that the side effects are much smaller and less (if any, for most persons), and one can get the same claimed benefits.

Sometimes one can find rather good deals on CEE, if they spend some time looking.

Some persons like the water rentention and the feeling of fullness that the water retention tends to give with MONO.

And, like I stated in my first post, there is a GOOD reason for this water retention with MONO: It assists with shuttling the benefits of MONO into the cells, while CEE is just easier absorbed (simple version, read some of the links I posted).

Do Not expect a miracle worker......but do expect....a small Co-worker in your fitness goals.

I cant speak on how it effects me (as I have never taken it), nor do I plan to. I deem I will be lean and mean, without it. :)

Be happy everyone, be smiling! Be proud!

You want to get "Rock-Hard?!" not let "Rock-Ons"......come out the butt! SEE...: :action14: It swells up inside......!!!!

This ROCKS! :)

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I see.

I'll try eating 6 times a day from now on. high calories and such.

So would you guys recommend taking Protein drinks or Creatine? I might be skinny, but my face is kind of chubby looking.

Also should I eat peanuts and such. I heard they are good for gaining weight, a cup gives around 150 calories but 110 are FAT. Isn't that bad? I am trying to gain weight though, but this type of fat is bad right?
I see.

I'll try eating 6 times a day from now on. high calories and such.

So would you guys recommend taking Protein drinks or Creatine? I might be skinny, but my face is kind of chubby looking.

Also should I eat peanuts and such. I heard they are good for gaining weight, a cup gives around 150 calories but 110 are FAT. Isn't that bad? I am trying to gain weight though, but this type of fat is bad right?

Peanuts and nuts in general are calories dense--BUT, they contain healthy polyunstaurated and monounsaturated fats that are GOOD for you.

You want them in your diet. Just fit them in within your calorie restriction if dieting to lose fat tissue.

So, I dont have to repost it, go here for additional information. If you have any additional questions, post them, and we will try to assist all we can, here are the links:

Read this first:

Learning about Nutrition

Then this one on fatty acids, etc:

Fish and Flax Oil

Best regards,

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Yes, like chillen said. Nuts are filled with poly and mono unsaturated fats which are very helpful in regulating hormone production and reguating LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol and the list goes on...

anyways, try and up your caloric intake and eat those carbs before you hit the gym, eat those carbs after your workout and eat those proteins after your workout. you WILL gain weight if you are taking in more energy (food/calories) than you are using. 3,500 cals= 1lb of fat. so if you up your caloric intake by 500 cals a day you theoretically should be able to pack a lb a week.
Just a quick question on the calories. As im at college and its hard to eat quite alot. I take it its best if the calories are from good foods not sausages rolls etc. Would it harm to have a bad few calories just to total up a higher calorie intake? (The thread starter may be able to benefit from this question. If not im sorry for going off-topic)

Calories are calories are calories. All calories are energy. Some calories however do not come with the added benefit of nutrition. A Mcd burger gives as many calories as a steak. The steak however wil have vitamins the McD burger will not. When people refer to "empty calories" they are just saying that there is no added benefit of consuming those calories. I however would not stick to a McD diet theres hormones antibiotics and who knows what else they shoot those cows up with. Anyways, ALL calories produce energy. try your best to eat clean. If not, take a multi.
Again, speaking personally, if I had a choice between Mono and CEE, I would choose CEE.

I agree.

Less bloat and better absorbtion have been reported by many and if you can stand the taste of it in powder form then CEE is the way to go. You can also purchase it in pill form but I prefer the powder.