Creatine Powder vs Caps?

hey guys, havent been in here in a while but things are going good.....

I have gained 10 lbs (hopefully muscle) since bulking

I have a quick question about Creatine Caps. I am using ON Creatine powder and it is working fine, it is just a pain to mix into any kind of liquid. I never feel like I get all that I put in into my system. Is there any downside to taking creatine caps. I found Met-Rx Creatine Caps here() and they look OK.

Any suggestions? Maybe on how to dissolve powder better too?
creatine caps just as well if you think its easier. Or just chuck a scoop directly in your mouth and wash it down with water if it doesnt dissolve for you.
The taste can be pretty bad, I used to have 5g creatine with my post workout shake so I couldnt taste it.

I wound't buy metrex as its expensive, Just get the cheapest aproved creatine monohydrate.

It makes no difference if its in pills or powder, but pills are more expensive.