Creatine on a cut?

So I was thinking of the possibility of starting to take creatine, but I am also about to start a cut. Is theres any reason to start taking creatine during a cut? It seems kind of contradictory to me. Any input would be great.
Why's it contradictory?
This is my personal opinion, if I were to choose to take Creatine on a cut.

I would opt for Creatine Ethyl Ester: The known side effects that are "possible" with Creatine Mono are virtually eliminated while receiving the same benefits of Mono. I will not have to concern myself with water retention during my attempt at fat tissue loss and this will stave off any complications and confusion, and I can focus my attention in others areas of my diet and training that are important.

There is a biological necessity for water with Mono while with Ethyl Ester there is not.

To PREVENT misreading ONES BODY and forbid personal heartache: IMO one should be proactive in education prior to purchase of any supplement they plan on consuming.

I have seen many posts by people new to fitness and training on the forum. Some of these posts were from those that had freshly taken Creatine Mono a week before, and were disheartened that they gained weight when deficit dieting. The informed person would realize this is temporary water retention and not "really" tissue gain. Thus the importance of education BEFORE taking any supplement. With Ethyl Ester, one does not have this problem.

Mind you I am not saying one shouldnt take Mono, it is as good as Ethyl Ester, IMO. Just understand their are differences in side effects and understand the potential bodily feed back when taking them.

In other words, it is fine to take on a cut or a diet formulated for fat tissue loss when coupled with weight training.

Just understand what its purpose is and the "potential" it may present to you in your weight training.

Dont expect a "miracle worker" but it can prove to be a minor "coworker" in your fitness plans.


Best to you Amp, as always my friend,

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The only reason I felt it was contradictory is because creatine helps you workout harder, which helps you build muscle, something that won't be happening when I start to cut. But I guess buy having this extra energy it will help me hold on to the muscle that I put on.

A few more questions:
Would it be smart to take the creatine during my cut, and then get off of it when I'm done to lose all that water weight and such?

Also does anyone have any opinions to offer based on chillens idea to use ethyl ester (I trust you just want a second opinion :) )?
creatine helps you workout harder, which helps you build=[retain] muscle

Fixed. :)

As to whether you'd want to get off it after your cut, well, unless you're trying to make weight for some sort of sport/competition, or believe in that silly cycling stuff, why bother?
^^ Agreed.

I use CEE because I got it for cheap, and it has limited studies showing it's better. Bulknutrition is where I got mine, be warned CEE tastes horrible.. If you order from the same place lmk, I've got a one use free shipping code.
Below is some information on CEE v MONO. This is to open the door a bit wider, and give you general information:


I think Mreik has some good links, if he is willing to cough them up? :)

Google is your friend when used properly.

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^^ Agreed.

I use CEE because I got it for cheap, and it has limited studies showing it's better. Bulknutrition is where I got mine, be warned CEE tastes horrible.. If you order from the same place lmk, I've got a one use free shipping code.

My creatine taste like panadol lol lucky i can drink it in one gulp tho and its not like a whole protien shake full:eek: