creatine loading vs not loading

I know like half the questions on here are about creatine and what not, but I would just like an explanation of why many people on here say not to load? all my friends who have taken it "loaded" and i just got a kg of the gnc monohydrate today and was wondering which way to do it. Do people say to not load because it ends up wasting a certain amount, something like that? Thanks for any explanation or advice you can provide and sorry for the creatine question.
I'm to lazy to go looking for the study but the one that I remember/saw conducted showed that after ~ a 28 day period there was virtually no difference between someone that loaded and someone that didn't save that one of them used more creatine and spent more money.
interesting, well since it would only be like wasting a few dollars i will not stress over it and just try the loading. thanks for that info though, i thought that was the whole deal with it.
The only thing loading does is saturate your body FASTER. The end effect is the same. No reason not to load.

You waste money anyway seeing as the non-loader sees little effect until they get close to saturation. So the non-loader wastes money by not having any benefits during their weeks of gradual creatine increase, whereas the loader wastes money with extra servings for just the week.

I'd load. Just because I get to utilise the benefits quicker.