There's been a lot said on creatine in recent years. Couple of years ago i started researching the subject cos i was looking to increase my sport-related performance.
To answer your question, creatine is found in red meat and therefore in your muscles as well.
Without going into details, creatine is a natural substance used by your muscles along with a few others to create energy.
Therefore, the more energy you have, the harder you can make you muscles work, the harder your muscles work, the more they break down and rebuild, you know where i'm heading...
Creatine also helps the muscle's recovery and many pro athletes use it for this purpose.
If you look on internet, you'll find lots of useful info but also lots of bull****, specially about the side effects. This is due to the fact that research on the substance is relatively recent and there hasn't been any extensive study over a long-enough period of time. This leaves the door open for some people to have a little fun and 'scare the masses'.
Man, i've even read some people saying that creatine shrinks your johnny!!
Anyway, as you seem concerned with the side effects, let me tell you what i know. The only noticeable side effect i've found is that i tend to get more muscle cramps while taking creatine. I don't exactly know why, i believe it might be because the muscles are overloaded with ATP (energy) and have to find a way of getting rid of it (i.e. through contraction) producing lactic acid in the process.
Apart from that, creatine is said to put extra pressure on your kidneys. If you drink enough water to help them do their job, this shouldn't be a problem.
In the end, the choice is yours, if you're satisfied with your sport performance/muscle mass then don't bother my friend. If you're looking for a real boost though, give it a try.
Sorry for the long-winded message, hope this helps.