creatine..i need to know more

hey people.
i am wondering how much creatine i should take? i am 125 lbs and 14 yrs old.
i have been reading on here that it is mostly water weight that will be gained.
will creatine make me bench more and build faster? i'm not to worried about sidafects(spelling) because i have a good stomach and no kidney problems. is there a surtan type of creatine i should get? help me out people. do i need to drink lots of water? and do i have to do it before AND after work out and how long can i wait before and after?i obviocly don;t no much about it so fill me in here.
Creatine monohydrate should be fine. Take ~5g a day, before or after your workout. Yes drink a lot of water. And yes it will help you build muscle a little quicker.
Get Kre-Alkalyn, i ordered it recently and i like it a lot. I just take one pill before and one pill after my workout. I try to drink at least a gallon of water when taking it, and it definitely helps. if you order the 240 capsule bottle on it's like 30 bucks, and if you take 2 pills a day, it should last you about 120 days!

Mix one teaspoon (5g) into 8oz of water, stir and drink. Day 1-5 take 4-6 times/day. After day 5 take 2-3 times/day.

for more information you can log onto and search for creatine information
I see no reason to load up on creatine by taking 20-30g a day. Half of that you'll piss back out, not absorb.

Take 3-5g once a day, and after 3 weeks you'll have saturated the muscles, and you won't have wasted 50g of creatine.
exactly. loading is not needed

its been said that creatine in the muscle is like water in a pool, only so much can go in.