and its a little more effective to take it post workout. creatine supplementation is meant to help maintain creatine levels in the cells. its not an instant effect, and it will not give you an energy burst if you take it pre-workout.
post workout, your muscles will need creatine restored. heavy workouts induce the body to uptake creatine more readily.
Don't get me wrong, it will still work if you take it pre-workout, but post workout is when the muscle tissue will be wanting it the most.
When your fizzy creatine runs out, just buy some creatine monohydrate powder, preferably a brand that carries a CreaPure label (its supposedly a better processing method). Don't waste time or money on Creatine syrums or Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE). Syrum is total crap and CEE has yet to be proven to be any more effective than monohydrate, but its double the price. Ditto for Kry-Alkyline