Creatine (Elite-K)

Has anyone here used Elite-K?

I'm not real big on the magnificent testimonials you read from the manufacturers but it made sense so I bought a bottle this weekend, but have yet to use it.

I'm going to start tonight. I just wanted to see if anyone here has tried it.
haven't tried it, because all research points to creatine monohydrate working, and not one single scientific research study has been done to show buffered creatines like EliteK, Kre-Alkalyn, work better/are more potent than monohydrate.
same goes for creatine ethyle ester, creatine citrate/malate. these are all just 'versions' of the same thing, but with a jacked up price because "hey, this isn't just monohydrate".

a few people who feel bloated on creatine monohydrate do seem to like CEE, but that's a very small minority of the population that have that side effect of bloating.