Creatine-Before or After Workout?

Ive been reading in this forum and others that people are taking creatine after their workout and not before. I always thought you were suppose to take it before the workout because it gave you added energy to lift more and gain more. Is there any difference from taking it before a workout or after?

Could I take half before and then the other half after or would it make any difference?
take it right after. your muscles tear while working out so when you drink it after its absorbed better. and make sure to drink alot of water
honestly it doesn't matter as much 'when' as it does to 'be consistent'.

meaning...take it whenever, but take it EVERY day.
I prefer post-workout in my PWO shake which contains carbs for 2 reasons:
1. the carbs boost insulin, and I use regular monohydrate, so the insulin helps deliver the creatien to the muscles. this is a non-issue with Creatine Ethyl Ester
2. post workout, the muscles are creatine depleted, so it makes more sense to refuel then. creatine takes more than 15 minutes to get into the pre-workout creatine won't benefit the workout that follows, but rather the workout the next day.

remember you're just trying to get the muscles saturated, and maintain saturation.
Before and after.

Before to have to additional creatine available.

After to replenish your muscle stores.

You should be taking creatine more than once a day anyway if youare cyclling it properly.