Weight-Loss Creatine and weight loss question

I was wondering if taking creatine to potentially help with muscle growth while in a calorie deficit would be effective in anyway.

I dont have much muscle for my size so my fingers are crossed that if I start lifting harder(creatine has made my lifting super intense in the past) while doing my cardio for calorie cutting I can slowly start building muscle while getting to my goal body fat percentage.

Thank you in advance!
Creatine is not something to take to loss weight. What creatine does is allow your muscles to absorb more water which makes them inflate a little. It is essentially a tool to increase water retention and water retention does not equal weight loss.

I would say that you should build muscle by lifting weights and eating/drinking protein. This certainly could increase your calorie burning as muscle burns more calories than fat. Keep your calories in a reasonable range and exercise and the weight will come off.
you cannot gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. it's impossible. muscle gain requires a caloric excess of food in the body. fat loss requires a caloric deficit in the body. there is no way around this.

so to answer your question, no it would not be effective.