creatine and PWO

so, what should i eat after a muscle workout, and what should i eat after a cardio workout?
and when should i do my workouts during the day?
i always get up, drink and ice cold glass of water, run for a half hour on 4.5 and then i dont know what to eat. i always just have a bowl of cereal, but i want to get my fat loss maximized so what should i eat?
i also want to get my muscle gain maximized... i bought some whey protein (chocolate yumm) and some creatine to take along with it. i understand dextrose is good for muscle building, what can i find that in, and what else should i eat?
again... before and after a workout, and when should i do the workouts?
btw is PWO pre or post workout? lol
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check out
John Berardi - Lean Eatin' Part I
John Berardi - Lean Eatin' Part II


John Berardi - The Science of Nutrient Timing, Part I
John Berardi - The Science of Nutrient Timing, Part II

post workout, you want 2:1 ratio of simple carbs to protein to spike insulin so nutrients get into the cells...namely protein and carbs in the form of glycogen.

for leaning out, you may want a 'during workout' shake instead of post workout. make it with a half liter of water (17 oz), and then .4g of carbs per kg of lean body mass, and .2g of protein per kg of lean mass.
This will probably be close to 15-20g of protein and 30-40g of carbs. sip it during your workout. then after workout, wait 60 mins, and then eat a whole food meal.