Creatine and cardio

Last night was my first weights workout since I started taking creatine and, I noticed improvements throughout. Higher weights, more strength etc. etc. (it basically did exactly what it said it would do). I'm not doing any cardio or leg work this week due to bad knees but, will hopefully be back into cardio next week.

My question is, can I expect to notice any improvements in my cardio workouts from the creatine aswell?
Minimal. remember, creatine helps the body generate and use energy more efficiently. its no miracle supplement, but it IS one of the few supplements out there that does have a positive effect on the body.

Cardio done right should tap into fat reserves for energy, where creatine doesn't really play an active role.
actually for me, I notice that I dont get fatigued(sp?) as quickly and am able to do cardio longer with creatine. I dont know if I am just nuts but I really notice a difference with and without it.
4thenewme said:
You may want to look into a new sportsline of suppliments endorsed by Ron Williams 6 time Mr. Natural Universe.

Except he is asking about creatine, which is a supplement not a suppliment, and this is for questions and discussions not advertising
4thenewme, whilst I'm sure your intentions are good and you're not simply trying to push supplements from which you make a personal profit (yeah, right), you may gain credibility if you actually tried answering questions specifically and showing you know what you're talking about.

Advertising on forums sucks
ChrisJG said:
4thenewme, whilst I'm sure your intentions are good and you're not simply trying to push supplements from which you make a personal profit (yeah, right), you may gain credibility if you actually tried answering questions specifically and showing you know what you're talking about.

Advertising on forums sucks

Yeah your right it does. Personally, I am not big on supplements and seldom use any myself. My understanding of creatine is that you do need to cycle yourself on and off of it and supposably you do not have to do that with this new sportline by synergy. The claim is the product is better than creatine and that you will gain muscle and loose fat much faster. Ron states that he personally used this and came out of retirement alot sooner because of it. As far as me making money, right now I am not. I am not yet sure if I want to be a distributor. I just know several people who swear by this companies sportline. Sorry if I offended anyone. I just seen the post about creatine.
I'm not sure I agree that you have to cycle on and off creatine. I presume you're talking about 'loading' for 5 days when starting on creatine. I find that, if I take just one spoonful aday in my protein shake, I get to saturation, it just take s a little longer. I am perfectly happy with the increased strength and endurance I get when lifting weights - I have no problems with my rate of fat loss either. My question was simply one of curiosity....I do a hell of a lot of cardio and I wondered whether or not creatine was going to have any kind of an impact from an endurance point of view.

Thus far, I would have to say it doesn't.
ChrisJG said:
I'm not sure I agree that you have to cycle on and off creatine. I presume you're talking about 'loading' for 5 days when starting on creatine. I find that, if I take just one spoonful aday in my protein shake, I get to saturation, it just take s a little longer. I am perfectly happy with the increased strength and endurance I get when lifting weights - I have no problems with my rate of fat loss either. My question was simply one of curiosity....I do a hell of a lot of cardio and I wondered whether or not creatine was going to have any kind of an impact from an endurance point of view.

Thus far, I would have to say it doesn't.

Actually, cycling is referring to taking creatine for some time, and then not taking it at all for some time. For example, taking it for two months and then the third month don't take any at all.

The logic/purpose is that your muscles become use to it and therefore it becomes a waste. Personally, I lift and don't do as much cardio as I should(oops), but I have cycled creatine and did feel a small difference. Because, after I had been using it for a while, I wasn't feeling much of anything and some of my "numbers" actually went down.
There is a theory that prolonged creatine use will inhibit your natural production of creatine. Much like many other supplements. Thus the cycling.
That makes sense - I will prbably cycle through laziness. I'll finish the tub I've got and then forget to buy anymore for a few weeks - voila, I've cycled ;)
ChrisJG said:
That makes sense - I will prbably cycle through laziness. I'll finish the tub I've got and then forget to buy anymore for a few weeks - voila, I've cycled ;)

Sweet, I think you'll notice a difference, at least a little bit, good luck with that.
The truth be told!

AJP said:
Except he is asking about creatine, which is a supplement not a suppliment, and this is for questions and discussions not advertising

Although I am not advertizing here per se I will stand by the Creatine Monohydrate replacement with a product endorsed by both my partner Ron Williams and me. Mind you we are not compensated here by the actual endorsements, but rather by our direct sales from this suplement CyberSport. It works period. Even though ProArgi9 is a different animal it is actually more beneficial than either forementioned products. I will not leave a link here directly to this product (ProArgi9) I will refer you to an article that I have posted on another directory, as well as the actual "generic" ProArgi9 site maintained by our Cheif Scientist Dr de Wees Allen who is also my personal trainer (as well as the co-trainer for the NY Mets and Toronto Blue Jays).

nuff said

googlr EAUSA-Lezotte and see more for yourself if you want to investigate....

Dr Allen my nutritionalist and please do check her CV!!

My partners BB Jason Domingo and Ron Williams

Me and AdW

The article I referred to

Some of the hundreds of testimonials

My personal testimonials

WE have 350,000 pages of research covering 26 years worth of do you think it is that if this product was no good....we are allowed to make 15 FDA approved Medical Claims?

Look on your supplement packaging and see how many FDA approved Legal Claims it can make...and then you will find your answers....>


William Lezotte-EAUSA
800 509 1725 between 9-5 Mon-Fri EST
It's all good...cause it works!

4thenewme said:
Yeah your right it does. Personally, I am not big on supplements and seldom use any myself. My understanding of creatine is that you do need to cycle yourself on and off of it and supposably you do not have to do that with this new sportline by synergy. The claim is the product is better than creatine and that you will gain muscle and loose fat much faster. Ron states that he personally used this and came out of retirement alot sooner because of it. As far as me making money, right now I am not. I am not yet sure if I want to be a distributor. I just know several people who swear by this companies sportline. Sorry if I offended anyone. I just seen the post about creatine.

My before and after pictures show just how effective these products are...<p>

Just do it!

William Lezotte-EAUSA
yeah but...>

4thenewme said:
Yeah your right it does. Personally, I am not big on supplements and seldom use any myself. My understanding of creatine is that you do need to cycle yourself on and off of it and supposably you do not have to do that with this new sportline by synergy. The claim is the product is better than creatine and that you will gain muscle and loose fat much faster. Ron states that he personally used this and came out of retirement alot sooner because of it. As far as me making money, right now I am not. I am not yet sure if I want to be a distributor. I just know several people who swear by this companies sportline. Sorry if I offended anyone. I just seen the post about creatine.

Here is the actual evidence....
That's ridiculous of you to post the before and after pic of you. That's not due to your product; that's due to change in diet and actually training.

You're also comparing an arginine product with creatine...apples and oranges.
EAUSA said:
My before and after pictures show just how effective these products are...<p>

Just do it!

William Lezotte-EAUSA

haha im sorry but that before picture looks soooo staged. "Yeah he will look a lot less healthy with a cigarette and beer." I must however commend you on your choice of beer. Sam Adams is great.
neo95 said:
actually for me, I notice that I dont get fatigued(sp?) as quickly and am able to do cardio longer with creatine. I dont know if I am just nuts but I really notice a difference with and without it.

I can buy into this. creatine just helps you use energy (ATP transport stuff...I barely remember biology class), so it likely does affect endurance stuff like cardio/running, etc.

its just more commonly used for weight training, since weights tap into creatine stores heavily compared to typical cardio. marathon runners...i'm sure they need more creatine than an average cardio session.
I'm not sure...>

evolution said:
That's ridiculous of you to post the before and after pic of you. That's not due to your product; that's due to change in diet and actually training.

You're also comparing an arginine product with creatine...apples and oranges.

Well the "creatine" part is in there....I think...>

I'm not sure...if it is so "riduculous" to post the actual pix of the changes I made to my physique in 25 months of training.....naturally.

Mind you this is at 46-48 years old (I am almost 49 now).

Yes you are correct.... my strict lifestyle was focused on training and recovery and diet, however a LARGE part of this transformation was due to the efficacy and regimine of my supplementation, which was exclusively ProArgi9, Maximum Protein, and CyberSport (a creatine monohydrate replacement)!
