Sport Couple of questions

Sport Fitness
I'm 16, about 75kg (180 pounds?) and 6 ft ish.

Currently, I'm training for the army in which I am leaving for around this time next year. But, I am also trying to build a lot of muscle. I've been training for around a year and only recently just started the cardio (running 5x a week).

I'm at school and I work so it's hard to have any decent meals, but I'll quickly try and show you basically what I have in a day.

8x weetbix w/ lowfat milk

Morning Tea: (school)
Nut bar

Lunch: (school)
Peanut butter + jam (jelly) sandwich
Couple of biscuits
Rice Cracker

Afternoon tea:
2x Wholemeal toast w/ margarine + peanut butter

Tea: (work) (differs sometimes)
Milo energy bar
Steak pie - :(

Then I come home from work (around 9-ish) do about 30 mins of weights, some sit ups, some crunches etc (I do have a proper program) then go for a run. Then when I get back from my run, I have:
2x Wholemeal toast w/ margarine + peanut butter

Pretty crappy meals right? I'm trying to loose a bit of weight (especially around the stomach) but keep bulking up the muscle.

With school and work , it's pretty hard to have any decent meals I find, but however recently I stopped eating afternoon tea + the toast after my workout and I find I'm losing what ripped I had, and getting flabby. So

1) Should I keep afternoon tea + toast after workout (I'm pretty limited to what I can have)
2) Should I eat before my workout rather than after it?
3) Should I be having the toast dry?

Prolly some stupid questions but really need to get my body into better shape. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
75kg is 165lbs.

Your diet is clean, but you aren't getting anyway near to the amount of protein you should be consuming, or fruit, or vegetables. It's higher in carbohydrates and fats. Any idea what your total caloric intake is? And whats your BMR.

You cant "lose a bit of weight, but keep bulking up the muscle". They require different diets, and weight loss and muscle gain can only be achieved for a short period of time when someone is out of exercise, then begins exercising intensly on a regular basis.

You cant spot reduce "(especially around the stomach)", you just have to lower your total body fat.

I suggest you begin eating in caloric excess, and then cut, as your current weight is healthy. The rate at which you would lose your fat would be low.