Could I please have some advice? :(


New member
Hey! So I came here because I really need some people to talk to about my weight loss. I was wondering if anyone could put my mind at ease. I'll give you some background story...
So I'm 19 years old and I weigh 196 pounds although I'm only 5ft5 :O since I still live at home I have no control over the food we buy. Also its worth mentioning the people I live with are both very overweight and have terrible eating habits. (Btw I'm working on finding a job). So previously I was getting no exercise at all and eating 80%fatty sugary foods. I also ate most meals until I was uncomfortably full. But about a week ago I found out that I wouldn't be able to see my long distance boyfriend in about 7 weeks, so I decided to take the oppurtunuity and try to make a difference.
So for the past 4 days I have been eating around 1500 calories per day and doing 1 hour of exercise per day(taking fast walks and doing pilates). I've also been avoiding sugary and fatty foods.
My question is, will I lose weight if I continue doing this? And is there anyone out there in a similar situation? I've always given up on weight loss plans because I've convinced myself that it isn't working. Id really like to stick with it this time :(
Welcome to the forum Elizabeth :)

you may not have much control of the food you have available to you but you can control how much you eat, so yes cutting calories and exercising will work in the long term but it does take time.

I would suggest starting a thread in the diary section as more members will see your posts there.
Hey Elizabeth :)

As Trusylver said, you have control over what and how much you are going to eat. Weight loss is a slow process when done naturally, and naturally is the way to do it, i.e through proper diet and exercises. Just don't give up, keep trying, you'll start getting results which will in turn motivate you and push you to do better :)

Cheers :)
Hi Elizabeth...I'm brand new here - just registered a few minutes ago actually. Obviously I don't know how many Calories of what I like to call "Food Energy" you were consuming before nor the kind of exercise you're doing now and how many Calories of that Food Energy you're converting into what I call "Effort Energy." But here's a rule of thumb: Compared to what you were doing before, if you are now consuming 500 less Calories / day of Food Energy or, through your new exercise program converting 500 Calories of Food Energy into Effort Energy / day (or any combination of those that equals 500 Calories / day) then over time, on average, you'll lose about a pound a week. This is very doable for almost anyone. It doesn't require any fancy diet or strange recipes - just cutting back some and being aware. It's also generally safe (but if you have medical issues or concerns consult your health care provider). It's also sustainable not just for a short time, but for the long haul. You can lose the weight you want now and with how you learn to eat and exercise in the process, you can make small adjustments later on that will allow you to easily sustain a nice healthy weight for the rest of your life if you want to. It sounds like you're off to a good start. Keep up the good work, be kind to yourself in this process, be patient. It takes time to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. It's never a sprint. It's always a marathon. Best of luck.