Sport Cottage cheese

Sport Fitness
I know cottage cheese is great for you, and is great for bulking. Well, thats not what I'm wondering. I'm wondering what it tastes like. I don't want to go out, get it, than hate it. It looks gross, I must say.

What does it taste like? Give an example, does it taste like cheese, yogurt, or maybe even poop?:confused:
I cant really give you an answer to how it taste. When I buy it, I buy it premixed with pineapples, so I can eat it. Other than that I have a hard time eating it. That's just me though
It tastes really bad to me but you might like it. Just to give you an idea I think its rotten cheese and rotten milk so go figure.. :cool:
Can't explain the taste to you. I like it. I can eat it all day. If you like fruit, mix that in and see what it tastes like then. I like pineapple in mine.
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I like the taste. Why? Because it tastes like nothing. It feels like you're eating solidified water (not icecubes).
at first i hated it, but now i'm used to it. it's kind of plain tasting or hardly any taste, but the texture is funky, add pineapple or blueberry or any fruit for flavor. i personally like light n lively cottage cheese the best. but, u won't know if u like it until you try it. i just got used to it and now it doesn't really bother me.
Hmmmm.... Yea, I'll make sure to give it a shot. Sounds like something thats pretty easy to eat, tasteless, and easy to swallow.

To the super market I will go!
i woudlnt say its tasteless, it definatly has a creamy flavor to it. Its usually the texture that freaks everyone out. I like it with some salt and pepper on it. But with fruit is good as well. Its a very versatile snack.