Sport Cottage Cheese

Sport Fitness
hi guys. I have a question about cottage cheese if someone can give thiers views about it. I got cottage cheese brand called "Friendship". Now i see that it has 0g of Fat but it has 4g of sugar in 1/2 cup serving. Do you guys think it will be OK to eat it. It tastes kinda good LOL. My aim is to lose fat.
Thanks :)
yep cottage cheese is great, particularly eaten at night will prove to be the most usefull time, because of it's high casein content which is slow digesting and breakdown. This will keep your metabolism going through the night.
yep. good food, the sugar content is nothing to worry about. on the flip side, avoid those will added sugar pushing the numbers higher :)
okie dokie thats great. I was just worried because i have heard many good things about cottage cheese but when i saw this sugar content i was like hmmm... LOL. yeah i m avoiding anything with sugar. I hardly eat anything with real sugar. All i have is like 2 packets of splenda in my morning coffee, 1 packet of splenda in my shreaded wheat cereal and 1 packet in my oat meal haha. i think splenda is not bad right?? correct me if i m doing this wrong or if i should cut back on the numer of splenda's i use in a day.

Thanks guys :)
we really don't know if splenda is ok or not the only research done on the product was by the manufacture, while I do know what the research said It can't really be trusted almost all manufactures lie or bend the truth on research of there product's. although I have not heard of anything going wrong so far.
There is some controversy over Splenda because they say it doesn't affect you, but you metabolize it anyway, which would mean you are using it as fuel...I don't know, my sister did some research on it and was telling me about it.
Splenda does not upset my stomache the way sugar does. If I knew nothing else about it that would be enough. But I do believe that it is non impact carbs

As for the cottage chz, I wish I could buy what you got. Where I live I have to buy 2%. If I'd I had the choice I would get what you got in a heart beat.
Hey all, first post. Cottage cheese is great. Just watch out, it's one of those foods that can have a ton of sodium in it. So you're definately gonna owe yourself a glass of water with it.