Sport cottage cheese - how to get it down!

Sport Fitness
I've been weight training for about 15 months now, but only in the last 6 or so I really started to become concerned with my diet (unfortunately), and I recently changing my focus on cutting. So I bought some cottage cheese, took a bite, and hated it... anyone know a good way to get that stuff down? (without putting it on something bad for you, which would defeat the purpose of eating it in the first place) Thanks!!
You can put it into your salad. I cut like paprica, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes etc. and add a cup of cottage cheese, a lacing of vinegar and olive oil. my favourite last meal of the day.. mmmmm!
OK LISTEN TO THIS: mix 9tbs cottage cheese w/4 tbs yogurt, 2tbs wheat germ, and some peanuts. I actually like this combo! You can obviosly throw out some of the things you dont like but just be creative!
muman said:
I've been weight training for about 15 months now, but only in the last 6 or so I really started to become concerned with my diet (unfortunately), and I recently changing my focus on cutting. So I bought some cottage cheese, took a bite, and hated it... anyone know a good way to get that stuff down? (without putting it on something bad for you, which would defeat the purpose of eating it in the first place) Thanks!!

are you looking for a good bedtime meal? or just an anytime meal?
i'm with proteinboy...I prefert my cottage cheese sweet. luckily i can get a local brand of yogurt that is fat free, no sugar added (splenda is used instead) with some natural fruit.

the cottage cheese accepts the yogurt flavor well, and yo uend up with a large bowl of yogurt. i add fiber one to mine a lot for the crunchiness, and of course for fiber.

due to some recent findings on flax seed, I no longer recommend it as a way to supplement essential fatty acids.
(fyi, flax seed contains alpha linoleic acid, which they first found in 1993 increases a man's risk of developing prostate cancer...not cool. stick to fish oil caps for your omega 3)
I'm assuming most people here take the low fat cottage cheese? I wonder how the fat free stuff tastes..

I put some tabasco sauce in mine (someone on here made the suggestion) and it tastes great. :) Then again, I like tabasco on a lot of things.
yeah, i get the 1% stuff. they don't offer fat free at any of the stores here.

i find that when I eat cleanly, i don't have enough fat in the diet, so 1% vs fat free cottage cheese, who cares. :)
lol dont get fat free it tastes bad. i like 5% cottage cheese but i eat 1% kuz it has more protein(wierd). 4% and 5% here has like 10-12protein and the 1% i get from walmart has 14 protein. since i eat 3 servings at a time,every day, it adds up.