Weight-Loss Correct Times of taking ECA stack????

I am currently taking the ECA stack at the following times and I really need some input on whether the times are too close together or too far apart. Also, what will happen if we take the stack and not eat for 1 or 2 hours? Will that effect its effectiveness? I heard it should be about a half hour before meals, but can it be later then this? What if we take them too close together? Closer then the 3 hour limit?
My situation is I eat at specific times and I don't want to take the stack too early or late before my meal, and not too late in the day either.
Here is my ECA dosage schedule. Feedback is appreciated. Thank you ;)

6:45am - Take ECA Stack and workout on an empty stomach
1 hour later
7:45am - Eat my 1st meal (breakfast)

10:00am - Take ECA Stack
Half hour later
10:30am - Eat my 2nd meal

2:45pm - Take ECA Stack
45 minutes later
3:30pm - eat my 4th meal

*note: There is a one hour gap between taking my first ECA stack and my first meal
*Note: There is only a 3 hour and 15 minute gap between taking the 1st and the 2nd dosage
*Note: There is a 4 hour and 45 minute gap between taking my 2nd and 3rd dosage and also I skipped taking the stack on my 3rd meal because of this.

So my questions are:
*Is the hour gap of taking the dosage before my first meal o.k.?
*Is the 3 hour and 15 minute gap between the 1st and 2nd dosage o.k.?
*Is the 4 hour and 45 minute gap between the 2nd and the 3rd dosage o.k.?

Or will it effect my results from taking the stack in this way?
Please help if you can. Thank you so much!!!!
i think the only thing you are going to run into by changing the recommended time gaps is that your body won't be using it effeciently, and much of it will go to waste. I think the idea of having a meal, is so that real food is mixed in to help with the digestion, because that much of a pure substance is not easy to digest. Secondly, having a nice gap is there to be sure that you asborbed as much of the stack as possible. If not, then you are dumping a bunch more on top of what hasn't yet been absorbed ... making the next helping of Stack that much harder to absorb. But, every person is different, and the guidelines are there based on a "safe" average.
It's good to take it on an empty stomache. sorry AllCdnBoy but thats what I have heard many many times from reputable people. Ithink the times are fine. If your having trouble falling asleep I would just take 2 doses when you wake up and around 12-1. But if you feel like crap or something feels wrong then only take two times daily. It's recommended to start with 2 times daily and work up to three over a few weeks time. AND DRINK LOTS OF WATER