Core Excercises

I am just ending a high school basketball season, and I want to begin a new core workout once it has ended. I am not in a school sport during the spring but i want to get a stronger core for my summer soccer season. I cross train and lift weights in the summer, and i have read that crunches and situps do not give you a full workout. I was wondering if anyone has some quality excercises that can be done at home, as I will only have weight room access a few times a week? Thanks.
you do squats, deadlifts, rows, bench, military press, pullups? stuff like that? Those work you're core.
Some movements that directly hit the core:
Ab rollouts
Russian Twist
Renegade Rows

3 of my favourites, be sure to do research on correct form, as doing these wrong could f*ck you up good and propper.
yeah, i do 100% free weights in the summer, benches and squats and stuff. thanks for the info, i'll check up on those exercises soon.
oh yeah, i had been thinking about getting one of those. one of my friends has one and he has a rock hard 6 pack...jealous.