Sport Cooking: Heating oils beyond smoke point

Sport Fitness
Hey guys, this is my first post on here...Anyway, does anyone know exactly why heating oil too high in frying makes it unhealthy? I have done some research on it and from the many sites I've looked at, all I've gotten is that the fumes can be carcinogenic and that the chemical breakdown of the oils becomes "toxic" to the body. I don't know exactly why they are toxic though, so that's really what I'm asking. Here are the some sites that I got info from:
i did a little research after reading this the first time and couldn't find anything more then what you have already found. i will continue to look into it a little bit and ask around to see what i can find.
twilightroastery .com / 29435 .php
try this i just found it. i hope this helps you. if not let me know. sorry for the spaces but wont allow me to post any URL to another site till i get more posts.
So does heating the oils that high adversely effect your body composition in any way? (i.e. worse for you in terms of fat gain)

Obviously the other reasons would be enough not to heat them that high, but just wondering
I believe the issue is that once you heat EVOO or Normal OO above their smoking temperature that the healthy fats are broken down thus negating the point of cooking with them to get more mono and poly unsaturated fats. I believe I read that somewhere on here a month or two ago.
i would imagine that it would be about the same in that aspect. << not fact just a guess.