Conventional vs alternative therapy

Do you beleive in alternative medicine

  • Absolutley YES

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Absolutely No

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Some of them have their merits

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • unsure

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
Whats everyones position regarding conventional medecine and increasing attention to alternative therapies such as acupuncture (i know its now a recognised form of practice), acupuncture, magnetism, gem and sense healing etc...

i personally believe the alternatives a ridiculous.

Alternative medicine has a lot to it. One of the best examples in the workout world is Louie Simmons.

He herniated 2 disks in his back and was told to get surgery. (which would have ensured he would not squat again) He used acupuncture and chiropractic methods to help heal himself. (that is also the reason he invented the reverse hyper)

He came back and squatted a 920.

Pretty impressive since the surgery would have ensured he would not do a full power meet again.

I also believe that most of modern medicine does not know what they are doing. Prescribing drugs to mask symptoms as opposed treating the problem is often how things go in a doctors office.

There is also something wrong when a patient has to take other drugs to mask the side effects of the first drugs they are taking.

I believe there are a lot of good alternatives to going to a doctors office and drugs are usually not the answer.

From personal experience. I had allergies all the way until I was halfway through college. I got shots once or twice a week since 5th grade, was on decongestants every day since 5th grade, by the time I was in college I had been on prescribed antibiotics for three years straight. (and quote often in the 10 years before that) I also averaged 5 or 6 sinus infections per year.

One day I decided, since I still had allergies and none of the medical solutions were helping that I would stop going to the doctor, stop getting shots, stop taking the drugs, and just see what happened.

What happened???

I stopped having allergies. They were gone. I have not had a sinus infection since, and have not gotten sick since........... Well I can't really remember the last time I was sick.

That is where I got my negative opinion of doctors.

I have used chiropractic most of my adult life. I believe there is something to using herbs over drugs. My wife is currently going to an acupuncturist and herbalist, and is having great success.

I believe conventional medicine often causes many problems. Especially with all the new hormone therapy they are using, without knowing what the real effects are, and guessing what hormones need to be used.

That is hardly a situation I would voluntarily put myself in.

My 2 cents.
i dont have time to write much of a response ill leave that until later..

A key word in these alternative therapies is "healing" not cure. You must rememeber the body has an enourmous capacity to heal itself and the anecdotal evidence is simply the result of time.

Not to mention its a good way to enter a new market and gain money over gullible desperate people :)
Thousands of years of history and billions of Chinese (among others) would disagree with you. Considering the numbers - historically and currently - getting results from it, what makes it so different from traditional medicine? The west's acceptance of it? While this alone certainly doesn't equate to full validation, you not believing in it doesn't make it false either.

You must rememeber the body has an enourmous capacity to heal itself

This is true whether we're talking about acupuncture or traditional medicines.

P.S. I'm not lumping the others you mentioned in with this.
I think there are some that are good and some that are ludicrous. Chiropractors get a bad rap because they are lumped into the alternative medicine field. I think chiropractors are excellent for keeping you functioning optimally. Can they cure everything? Not really.

I havent tried accupuncture, but I do want to. I dont believe in things like therapuetic touch or weight loss hypnosis type stuff. I read a study that challenged the practitioners of TT to prove they actually do what they say. According to TT, the body has an energy field that can be manipulated to heal. Well they then should be able to tell which part of that energy field is what without looking, since they use their hands.

This study took, I think 20, TT practitioners with varying levels of experience. Some had 20+ yrs, some had 1 yr. They set them up on the opposite side of a barrier with a blindfold. They asked them to choose which hand they were "hovering" near on the test person. The results came back less then 50% correct. They had a 50/50 chance of guessing left or right. The last part of the project was very interesting: There is a million dollar challenge to any TT person who can prove the results wrong. It hasnt been attempted.

I let my father in law read this because he chooses healers and stuff, continues to go to them without results. I just dont understand, when do you say to yourself, this isnt working?
To Georgen: I know exactly what you're saying about your allergies. Similar I guess would be the fact that I was prescribed glasses at the age of 3. I wore those damn things until the 9th grade (not the same pair lol) when I went to a party and broke them. I told my mom that I didnt want to replace them. Next eye exam and everyone since, I have 20/20 vision.
I think some of it actually does stuff, but some of the other stuff is hocus pocus. I knew one lady who would do healing over the internet. You sent her an email and she would heal you. That kind of stuff is a little ridicolous.

I do think acupuncture has some positive effects on health though.
There was a really good documentary on it on foxtel which even further streghthened my stance that they are pretty much all quacks.

I wish i could remember what some of them said to kind of show why.

Acupuncture tony is essentially based on the same thing as the sense healing - as they both reveolve around chi or energy. which hasnt been proven hence its not acrediited.
I would have gone with a strict NO however due to the wording of the possible answers I had to say that some have merits.

One of the reasons I say this is because of the placebo effect some of these things have. If someone goes and gets a few needles jabbed in their arm and are convinced they feel better afterwards then it had a benefit.
so, no herbs and stuff like that have any effect at all? Yeah I guess that makes sence.

Is that sarcasm? It's hard to tell on the internet

As for herbs, maybe they're good for you in general, but they don't 'fix' anything

I have used chiropractic most of my adult life.
What does that tell you? If it worked you wouldn't have needed to go for most of your life.
It was sarcasm. Penecillin (sp?) was found in mushrooms. Just an example on how alot of modern day medicine is based on stuff you can find out in the wild.
Is that sarcasm? It's hard to tell on the internet

As for herbs, maybe they're good for you in general, but they don't 'fix' anything

What does that tell you? If it worked you wouldn't have needed to go for most of your life.

:yelrotflmao: brilliant

Funny how they suck you in by requiring at least 6 visits and by that time the body has already healed itself, not to mention not long ago a chiro was trying to fix my grandma who has a decompressed nerve and caused a massive rotator cuff tear. jeez i hate chiros my arch enemy, go physios! hah
What does that tell you? If it worked you wouldn't have needed to go for most of your life.

Funny how they suck you in by requiring at least 6 visits and by that time the body has already healed itself

Obviously neither of you understand what it is that a chiropractor does. I do not go because I have injury or pain. I go because I wish to prevent injury and pain.

A good chiropractor can assess the body and work with me in order to catch small imbalances, and correct them, before thy become problematic.

They do not just crack and neck and a back. They let me know what muscles I need to strengthen more, what I need to stretch more. The goal is to prevent any future problems.

I already know the next argument -

"If you train properly you do not get imbalances."

Of course neither of you have been at a higher level of performance or competition where little things happen no matter how good your training is.

So I will not expect any understanding.

not to mention not long ago a chiro was trying to fix my grandma who has a decompressed nerve and caused a massive rotator cuff tear.

Chiropractors are like any other profession. Only about 5% if them are good, knowledgeable people. I had a similar experience when I went to my first chiropractor and she puled all of the muscles in my neck. I hated the profession.

Then, by chance, I met a good chiropractor. He helped me understand what they do and do not do, what they can help with and what they can't help with. As well as how to find good people when I move and travel.

So my opinion changed. It is always changing. The more I learn, the more people I meet, the more open minded I am to alternatives.

If I did not go to a chiropractor, I may or may not catch small changes in muscular balance, I would then wait till I got hurt, go to a regular doctor, get prescribed drugs that only mask pain, and get told not to train any longer.

Again, I do not expect any understanding about this either.
Of course neither of you have been at a higher level of performance or competition where little things happen no matter how good your training is.

So I will not expect any understanding.

Hey man, chill out, I wasn't trying to have a go at you. As the thread is about 'alternative medicine' I assumed you went for medicinal purposes rather than the 'information/prevention' benefits you say you get. My mistake.

I said what I did because the only people I know who go have back problems and they continue to go week after week and never seem to get any better.
i understand your view but other professions such as physios and EP's are more than capable with those sort of things..
I go because I wish to prevent injury and pain.

A good chiropractor can assess the body and work with me in order to catch small imbalances, and correct them, before thy become problematic.

They do not just crack and neck and a back. They let me know what muscles I need to strengthen more, what I need to stretch more. The goal is to prevent any future problems.

I agree, I found a really good chiro who knows the how and why... However I wouldnt listen to him for muscle problems. They are about how the spine when in proper alignment can heal the body. This is true to a certain point. My father in law has severe hip pain and months of chiropractic work didnt really help that.

However if he would stop crying and maybe start some SMR and piriformis stretching from sitting all day, he would be a little better. Everyone but me is quick to say he has arthritis and should get joint replacement surgery.
I havne't read all the threads yet, and I personally prefer western medicine, but alternative medicine may have its merit.

When I was in China, my family and I went to see this "doctor" who supposedly could tell us our problems just by feeling our pulse and weird **** like that. He was eerily accurate. For instance, he knew that my dad had a stomach ulcer, which he did, that he was having back pain, which he did, and many other things I don't tihnk that you could have been able to tell just by feeling someones pulse.

Not sure if that's really alternative medicine, but I thought it fairly impressive.
He probably had his medical records lol

*that was a joke